Christmas challenge: I dare you....

OK- I need some opinions. We are ordering organic cotton t-shirts with our company logo on the back, to give to friends, family, and customers. We make eco-friendly furniture out of reclaimed hardwoods. The front of the shirts will say:

"Got wood?" (we already have these and they were a hit)
"Love your wood"
"I have wood"
and the last one is really suggestive, so I won't list it.

Funny? Or too much?
I love Wal Mart and my $35.00 Microwave and my $35.00 Toaster Oven and my .......Well just about everything
I love the ability to buy stuff that I otherwise probably couldn't afford. I will continue to support Walmart and hopefully there will be a lot of other folks around me that do the same so that Walmart doesn't close up as so many business here do. I enjoy the ability to get my medicines at a lower price at Walmart and I get tired of people constantly attacking Walmart for doing things in a manner that brings us lower prices and makes items available to a lot of the population that were once out of some peoples ability to afford. I also like to go to one store and get almost everything I need to live.
I do have the compact florescent light bulbs not because they are "green" but because they are supposed to lower my light bill.
I think being efficient with my money right now is more important to the survival of my family, than buying an electric skillet made by a guy earning Union wages.

I do not work at Walmart and I don't have any friends or family that do, and I am pretty sure that the largest retail chain in the world doesn't need my little "endorsement" to survive.

I do however .....enjoy Chickens.
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How about locally made soaps? At least the women on your Christmas list would like it.
I found some that I love.
Though we don't celebrate Christmas, we do have family who do. We give donations to Heifer International in the name of the giftee in lieu of traditional gifts.

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