Christmas Geese and Appleyard Ducks

I've never tried to eat goose before. How does it differ from the taste of a chicken? Is the meat mostly dark? Is it stringier or gamier? Just wondering. I don't even know anyone around me that has tried goose before.

We have 3 "pet" embdens right now. But, maybe in the spring when they lay eggs....goose for Christmas next year??
Goose is a dark red meat. Hearty. Almost like eating beef.

Geese are the most under utilized meat bird in the US. People don't raise them as much. You mostly hear of game hunters prepring wild goose which is excellent. Home Grown domestic goose and duck is unlike anything you will have eaten before.

Excellent table meat.
When you process them do you skin or pluck? I have 12 of the toulouse that I can't even give away around here. So I think I'm going to have t try one to see if I like it. Just curious on how to clean them.
Pluck them! You want the skin for roasting. The fat under the skin keeps the meat moist and helps to crisp the skin. You have never had such good eatin'!
Thats it you convinced me, I'm coming to your house for dinner.
We had a goose last week for our Bonfire Night party. The rest of them go in this Thursday for processing. I'm keeping 20 for breeding and dispatching 30 for myself and customers.

The ducks look great! You have a couple more males there who are still in their eclipse plumage and haven't developed their nuptial plumage yet. I have to take out a few more drakes, but I dispatched most of the ducks in June.

Aren't waterfowl the best?

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