Christmas Geese and Appleyard Ducks

Thanks everyone!

I am going to keep 2 of the embdens for my freezer and offer the other embdens as Christmas goose. That is why I raised them.
Hi Miss P!

Beautiful birds. Good for you. Do you process your own birds, or some of them, or do you have them ALL processed 'off site'?

Seems like it would be a challenge to process a goose. Of course, I've never processed anything, yet!!

Also, I know you have your own design of bator; I also know you have--or at least had--Hovabator Genesis 1588s. Have you ever done duck eggs in the Genesis 1588? Success? One was given to our monastery several weeks ago, and I hope much we could use it for inc-ing duck eggs.......
Thank you, Angie, and again, thank you!

Quite the links. Nice to see not all of us are a bunch of big-industry-dependent modern-world, industrialized helpless ones. Unfortunately, I'm one of the helpless.........
Your link is not for the sheepish!

We had a ram lamb named "one hung low". One of his testicles had not descended. So, even banded, he would become a ram and most likely chase the ewe lambs mercilessly and breed them.

So, I took him into the processor when I sent the last batch of piggies. I just had them quarter him. We roasted him in a pit over homemade charcaol for our Bonfire Night party last week.
I will be joining mrs prissy shortly here in the butchering geese club and my hubby will get his wish of a christmas goose ( gander in this case) I have extra boy left so .............. I also have 2 turkeys that are still breathing due to I'm lacking the room to freeze two 30 lb hens lol (Thanks to my hubby purchase at the 4h fair this yr a pig and a baby beef ugh 400 lbs of meat)



Pris.... your birds are beautiful!!!!!

Please ignore the buff orp.... Shes in a horrible molt !!!!!!! ugh is she ugly right now
MissPrissy those are gorgeous! I'm definitely getting ducks and geese.

Sounds like good eating to me.

What a beautiful flock you have there too, runamuck!

How nice to have a pond and not have to worry about gators.

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