Christmas is coming early Hatch-A-Long!

If no pips in that incubator, then I'd candle them to see if you can see anything moving. I still leave them another day. Once I had one an entire day behind the rest that actually hatched, but otherwise they're all within a 24-hour period.
Do I candle them tonight or wait for tomorrow?
I checked, they have quit 😕 they were great at lockdown, I wonder what happened? I didn't open them but the air cells were sucked down the side and the dark mass I could see didn't look very chick shaped.
:hugs It's always sad when they don't hatch, hurts the heart. 💔

Pipping but not hatching usually means the humidity wasn't high enough or ventilation issues, (not enough oxygen). You did get the humidity higher toward the end, but these two might have been further along when the moisture was still lower and they needed more. And make sure your vents are wide open at lockdown, is your machine still air or forced air (has a fan)?

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