Christmas poultry treats?

Man is this awkward. My chickens cannot see the neighbors Christmas lights and I have not even told the chickens Christmas is a thing! So probably no presents but they have just come through moulting and they get no grass or bugs at all right now. Protein supplements to their ration are just a good idea right now. I am making mash with skim milk and whey, alfalfa pellets and some sunflower seeds on the side. I am also going to pick up some hempseed oil cake this weekend because it is supposed to be one of the best sources of protein.
I need to find some treats tobmake for the chickens. I make them sald sometimes with grass and all the safe veggies I can find around the house.
Anybody give their chickens special treats for Christmas? I have some homemade flockblocks and normally make them some sprouts and plain popcorn, but I'm looking for new ideas!
Always. I give my birds theirs on Christmas Eve, so a day early.

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