Chuck chucks


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2018
morning everyone little help needed
We as a family have had our geese guinea fowl and chickens and dogs ,all our life, are geese are testeament to this some 25 yrs old now but are just incubating our second lot of our chickens ever the last some 12 yrs ago my daughter of 10 is really excited as we’re on day 18 so wants them to mix with our white leghorns eventually ,so the eggs we bought are light Sussex we have 18 out of 24 that are nearly ready but the incubator we have has one of those swinging bits in it should we remove it and lay the eggs flat or leave alone your thoughts are very warmly welcome and the moisture content .
Thankyou great site
Paul and daughter Larah
I would remove the egg turner on day 18. If that is what you are talking about. Then Lock down until day 21.
Welcome to the site and I hope you have a very successful hatch!
A very warm welcome to BYC! There’s so many helpful, knowledgeable folks here and I’m sure you’ll find this site a very useful resource. I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do.

In answer to your question, yes, do remove the turner at day 18 for lockdown. The eggs should not be turned after day 18. Good luck with your hatch :jumpy

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