Cinderella dressed in yella...

Kinda along the same thread- When I was really small my grandmother used to sing a little song to us at bedtime. I can only remember parts of it and I'm dying to know all the words. It was the story of this magician named Katen and he was travelling along seeking his fortune. All sorts of things happened along the way.

The parts I remember go something like-
"Katen, where you going? Can I go too?"
"If you do as I say do?

Katen run, the river run, Katen run, the river run.
"Slow down, Katen! You're going too fast for me."
"Well, jump on my tail then."

Katen added things all along to his tail and then went to stay at a farmer's house. The farmer's sons were mean to him and he used all the things on his tail to get even with them.

Has anybody heard this or is it some weird family thing in my family?

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