Cinnamon Rolls??


Dec 14, 2017
I have a big thing of leftover cinnamon rolls that I made. It is getting soggy and will just be thrown out soon, but I was wondering if it would be safe to give my birds? I have three chickens, two ducks and a turkey (sounds like a Christmas song...). Any advice is appreciated.
:welcome With a title like "Cinnamon rolls", I had to check out this thread! X2 on what @chickens really said. First of all, they are bread related which is very dangerous for ducks and it also has too much sugar.. Sorry, you might just have to toss it. Anyways, it's nice to meet you! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
Ha! Thanks everyone. I have been giving them leftover kitchen scraps and they seem to eat everything, but the cinnamon rolls gave me pause... Glad I asked. Good to know about the bread and the ducks too. They seem to love it and I had read that it was ok in small amounts as a treat, but I may be rethinking that and keeping it to veggies. Glad to meet everyone!!
Ha! Thanks everyone. I have been giving them leftover kitchen scraps and they seem to eat everything, but the cinnamon rolls gave me pause... Glad I asked. Good to know about the bread and the ducks too. They seem to love it and I had read that it was ok in small amounts as a treat, but I may be rethinking that and keeping it to veggies. Glad to meet everyone!!
All Birds do not need scraps at all..Balanced appropriate feed should be their main feed daily.

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