cities of Brownsburg and Carmel, Indiana


7 Years
Jul 24, 2012
My family and I are looking for homes in the Indianapolis area. Does anyone know if residents of the cities of Brownsburg and Carmel are allowed to raise backyard chickens? Thanks for any feedback you might have.
From the city of Brownsburg's municipal code:


It is illegal and unlawful for any person, partnership, corporation or association to keep any of the following on any premises in the Town in numbers consisting of more than two (2) full-grown creatures and their immature offspring: chickens; turkeys; ducks; rabbits; hamsters; guinea pigs or geese.
(Ord. 99-12, passed 9-9-99) Penalty, see § 90.99$3.0$vid=amlegal:brownsburg_in$anc=JD_90.04

From the city of Carmel's municipal code:

§ 6-93 Three Acres Required for Farm Animals.

It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain cows, swine, chickens, horses, sheep, goats or ducks within the limits of the City in any area consisting of less than three acres, except in an Agricultural District. This section shall not apply to the maintenance of horses for riding purposes at authorized stables.
(`91 Code, § 6-93) (Ord. D-41, 8-22-72; Ord. D-1645-03, § V, 10-20-03)$3.0$vid=amlegal:carmel_in$anc=JD_6-93

Those are the restrictions within those two cities' limits. If you meet those requirements, you will also need to find out the zoning designation of the property you are looking at and determine if keeping chickens is a permitted use of that zone. You kind find the zoning maps here (they're interactive):


And the zoning ordinances (which lists the permitted uses of each zone) here:

Brownsburg: Their links are broken, oops.

As always, make sure your subdivision does not have an HOA or convenant that restricts the keeping of chickens. Also use the municipal codes and zoning maps as a guide but for the final word, contact the planning and zoning department with a specific address, they will know if there are any zoning changes in the pipes:

Brownsburg: [email protected] (Todd Barker, Planning Director) 317-852-1128
lots of contacts here:

Hope this helps!! To me, the city codes sound way too restrictive. Only two chickens? Or only if you have three acres?? You may want to look outside the city and check out the county laws.
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In Brownsburg, you need a minimum of 1/2 an acre to keep chickens. You can have 1 chicken per 1/4 acre, but no more than 10 chickens no matter how much land you have (although elsewhere (90.04) it states you can't have more than 8). You may not have roosters, you can only have hens (what about poulets??? ;P ).

The laws changed (to what I've outlined here) as of 6/27/2013. Here are the applicable laws and ordinances.

FARM ANIMAL. Animals raised and bred healthy and humanely for meat, milk, or similar food products, or for wool, fur, or similar textiles, or the estrogen or similar chemical or pharmaceutical products. Farm animals are primarily pastured. Farm animals do not include outdoor pets, household pets, or exotic animals. Examples of farm animals include cows, horses, sheep pigs, chickens, turkeys, and goats.
It is illegal and unlawful for any person, partnership, corporation or association to keep or maintain within the Town any exotic or wild animals or farm animals not expressly permitted by the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 99-12, passed 9-9-99; Am. Ord. 2013-14, passed 6-27-13) Penalty, see § 90.99
It is illegal and unlawful for any person, partnership, corporation or association to keep any of the following on any premises in the Town in numbers consisting of more than a combined total of eight indoor and/or outdoor pets, and limited further to a maximum of four dogs and a maximum of four cats, six months of age or older, kept for the purposes of personal enjoyment as pets, all of which have been sterilized (spayed or neutered) or more than a combined total of three dogs and/or cats, six months of age or older, kept for the purposes of personal enjoyment as pets, that have not been sterilized.
(Ord. 99-12, passed 9-9-99; Am. Ord. 2013-14, passed 6-27-13) Penalty, see § 90.99

Am. Ord. 2013-14:

Furthermore, this only applies if you are zoned RE. If you are in an HOA, you are probably zoned PUD, which even if allowed for chickens under town ordinances and zoning probably wouldn't allow for chickens under your HOA.
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