City Farmer seeks fresh eggs at a low price...


7 Years
Sep 27, 2012
Hi everyone,
I'm the newest guy in town with a taste for farm fresh eggs without chemicals or additives.
Living in Kingsport, Tennessee we have neighbors with miniature Horses grazing their yards to flocks of Geese waddling around, so I'm sure that with some help from the community...I should be able to pull this off without too much of an issue.
First things first, it's just me and my Wife so I won't need to build a Barn or anything like that, just a coup and pen should do just fine. Second, I like to share my Garden Produce with the good neighbors beside me and across the road, so a couple extra eggs will make their day as well I'm quite sure. Third, farming / raising animals other than our Lemon Pointer will be something new to me, so any advice I can get will go a long way in helping me get this endeavor off the ground.
Thank you, in advance, for everyone time and efforts !
Mr. T.C. Cross aka: Tokie
from California, I think 4 hens would lay more than enough hens for you and your wife :)

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