City of Ashville N.C. chicken ordance


11 Years
Aug 14, 2008
Canton, N.C.
Ashville NC, from what I read just went around on the city Chicken question. I just looked at there code, that seems reasonable. ---1. You need a permit (and, I am sure there is a fee) ----2. The animal control officer has to inspect the coop and property for sanitation, windows, drainage kind of stuff. ----3. They must be in a coop and run. ----4. The chickens must be 100 feet from any household excluding the owners. (seemed to say housing and not property line) ---Of course this is Ashville (a real growing city) were "Keep Ashville wierd" is a common bumper sticker, and certainly in the region has a small farm tredition. -----The statute is available on-line.

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