Claws & Clans - a WarriorCats RP

Are we still doing Deathstar and @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies cat, Crow helping out the clans, as well as the cats with powers?
Yep! I assume you know all the powered cats? Where is Crow now? If anyone wants to, we can pick up on the Fernpaw-shimmerpaw-Bushpaw-Amberpaw drama, or we can start something in ThunderClan so that Sunpaw can learn more about her powers
"Yeah?" Rushwind drawled, stretching as she trotted out of the warrior's den. "What's going on? Am I on a patrol?" she asked, tipping her head charmingly. "Does Shiningstar need me?"
"We need to patrol, it'll just be you and me." Ashenwing said, he tipped his head to the side, "And keep an eye out for Wolfheart, she's closer than usual," he added before taking off at a trot for the border, looking behind to make sure she was following him.
Are we still doing Deathstar and @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies cat, Crow helping out the clans, as well as the cats with powers?
I made a new char, named Cobra, who is in league with Deathstar, but secretly planning to betray him and take over his empire once he's done most of the dirty work (conquering the clans). She's ruthless, really pretty, and totally EVIL 😈. CrowDaddy made a new char named Wolfheart (but called Vix), who is also a little morally grey :D
I made a new char, named Cobra, who is in league with Deathstar, but secretly planning to betray him and take over his empire once he's done most of the dirty work (conquering the clans). She's ruthless, really pretty, and totally EVIL 😈. CrowDaddy made a new char named Wolfheart (but called Vix), who is also a little morally grey :D
Okay, sounds cool! I'll check out the archives in a sec! So are we leaving off with the clans in pretty much peace right now? Is Crow currently staying with Riverclan?
"We need to patrol, it'll just be you and me." Ashenwing said, he tipped his head to the side, "And keep an eye out for Wolfheart, she's closer than usual," he added before taking off at a trot for the border, looking behind to make sure she was following him.
"Alright," agreed Rushwind amicably, trotting after the deputy. "Remind me who Wolfheart is again?" she questioned, catching up to the deputy.
Okay, sounds cool! I'll check out the archives in a sec! So are we leaving off with the clans in pretty much peace right now? Is Crow currently staying with Riverclan?
yyyyyyeah mostly :) for now everyone is kind of in a vegetative state while everyone gets organized 😭 ummmmmm I think that's it mostly yep
Rainpelt ducked through the crowd and past Volenose, just in time to hear him mutter under his breath, "Outsider, doesn't belong here..."
She shuddered ominously, but tamped it down. Volenose was probably just jealous. Now that Everheart was Fleetstar's mate, Volenose wouldn't be as considerable to be deputy in the future, or as eligible for Fleetstar's inner circle.
To be honest, Rainpelt was definitely including the plan for deputy in her future. She was young, and she had big plans.
She wound over to Everheart and licked her happily. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you two! Do you know how many?"
Everheart beamed at Rainpelt with joy, pride, and happiness. "Thank you so much, Rainpelt! I am too. Mountainshine guessed 3-5 kits! I'm so happy, I can't describe it!" Everheart meowed at Rainpelt.
btw I was hoping rainpelt could mentor one of the kits... is that ok or do you already have ideas for them? its fine if you do
Of course, great idea! I'll have to plan the birth out soon!

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