Cleaning out coop - what to do with used pine shavings


Jun 29, 2022
First spring following using large flake pine shavings for bedding as coop bedding. For those of you who use it, what do you do with the dirty stuff when you do a spring clean out? It does not seem to compost very well. I don't really want to throw 3+ bales worth of the stuff into my compost bin and have it just sitting there for years, tying up one of my bins. But I don't have yard waste pickup options with my trash service.

Also, for anyone who uses hemp bedding in your coop, do you find it composts quickly? Is it worth the $?
First spring following using large flake pine shavings for bedding as coop bedding. For those of you who use it, what do you do with the dirty stuff when you do a spring clean out? It does not seem to compost very well. I don't really want to throw 3+ bales worth of the stuff into my compost bin and have it just sitting there for years, tying up one of my bins. But I don't have yard waste pickup options with my trash service.

Also, for anyone who uses hemp bedding in your coop, do you find it composts quickly? Is it worth the $?
We just tossed our pine shavings out when they were done.
Now we use straw.
What do you have in your run right now? If it's dirt, toss your pine shavings on top on a calm day, and hose them down. Then scatter some chicken feed (or BOSS, or scratch, or some kind of treat) over it, and let the chickens go to town scratching and mixing and turning.

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