Clements Family Farm

We at are a small family farm in Santa Fe, Texas. We started with just a few chickens about 8 years ago. We loved having them so much that we expanded and now have about 250 chickens. We sell eggs, chicks, and hens. We love eating the fresh eggs that the hens provide for us!! We have Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Silkies, and a few others. We love our birds!!
Welcome to BYC

Hello, hope you're able to deal with the cold down there!
Thank you. We did survive but definitely not built for 15° weather. No power or water for three days made it tough. We had to use a generator to keep the baby chicks warm and water from the pond to feed the animals. But all is well, definitely many people worse off than us. Grateful!!
Welcome to BYC! I’m so excited to see you joined! This wonderful community of poultry keepers and experts will be very happy to answer whatever questions you may have ☺️

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