clipping wings

The main disadvantage would be that the chicken is less easily able to escape from predators. There are lots of websites that show you how to clip the wings, just Google it - you need to take off the longer, primary feathers. If you just clip one wing it is meant to make it harder for the chicken to fly, as they're off balance.

Having said all that, I clipped my Andalusians' wings and they can still fly 6 feet and routinely get over a 9ft fence!
For two years I have clipped wings...starting with one wing then in desperation two wings...fence is 6 feet!
They still fly out. I hate to butcher them, but I lost my strawberry patch twice. A couple have been eaten by varmits while out. I am amazed that with clipped wings they can make it to 10 feet and roost in the trees. These are green egg layers but I also had a dominique that got eaten after flying out.
you cut the ten flight feathers. when you pull the wing out these ten are the longest and the first ones you see. i cut them so they are as short as the secondary feathers after the really short axial feather. I only have done one wing in the past but my girls never caused me any problems so i never had need to do the other wing as well. As it is, when they do fly, i do not see that they are that off balance. they seem to fly well so i am not even sure i will clip their wings again.

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