Clops: The Blind Cleft Lid Chick (Updates, Advice, and Discussion Thread)

Sorry about the issues you’ve had.

how is clops doing??
Still really good. Her eyelids somehow fixed themselves. They're slightly smaller than the other chicks, but she can eat and drink. She's gaining weight. She is on the small side, but maybe she will get bigger as time goes on.
Good Call.

Pics, please, when you get a chance.
I didn't forget about the pic. I've been under the weather. I'll get one tomorrow.

I'm going to put the chicks in the shed in their brooder on Monday, but I'm going to keep Clops with the newly hatched chicks inside the house.
So I just got informed that Clops has passed away. I'm hospitalized and the fam is tending to the chicks and animals. All the other chicks are doing good.
I'm sorry to hear that you are not well and that Clops has passed away:hugs
I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you for letting us know.
I'm sure if I was catering to it to make sure it was eating and drinking it would've had a better chance. But they've been make sure every morning and night that they've been home that it was eating and drinking.

They thought I was going to be upset, but I have so many healthy chicks that a few losses never really affects me. I've learned to shut off the emotional attachment until I decide who I'm keeping around 16 weeks.

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