Cloudy whites?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Anyone know what causes the whites of the eggs to be cloudy? I know there's nothing really wrong with them because they fry up beautifully and taste great. I'm just worried about what my (future) egg customers will think if they're used to the clear whites of store bought eggs. Not all the whites are cloudy, just an occasional one.
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Fresh eggs can have cloudy whites. I found an article about it some time ago. I'll see if I can find it.

EGG WHITE--A cloudy white in a raw egg is caused by carbon dioxide and indicates freshness. As the egg ages, the carbon dioxide escapes through the pores of the egg, and the white will become less cloudy

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Before having chickens, we bought our eggs from a farm that delivers to a local store and they are about 2 weeks old by the time they get here. Some of theirs were cloudy and I never thought a thing about it.


i was going to put that on here but i see you got it that is great! i have read that store bought eggs can be up to 6 months old! Gross! no wonder we question the "cloudy" look of our whites

OMG-two weeks. My family would flip out if I tried to pull something like that on them. DS checks coop as soon as he gets off the bus in the afternoon and always wants the ones that are still warm from the hen for afternoon snack. Spoiled.

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