*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

"Mirabelle." Nate chuckled. "Oop I think I can hear them." Noel and Mirabelle hopped into the burrow. Mirabelle seemed surprised. "Are you hurt?" She asked George, as normally any rabbit that came into her burrow was hurt or sick.
George Looked at Mirabelle. “Uh-Um, no” He replied. “We we’re just talking about stuff”
George Looked at Mirabelle. “Uh-Um, no” He replied. “We we’re just talking about stuff”
"Well then get out of the way." She said. "Your standing in front of my cabinet area." She didn't say it mean or rudely, just straight to the point. Nate laughed as she scooted George out of the way with one paw.

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