Clucky's New Flock Adventures

Fun! How many chicks do you have and what breeds?

Gracie Grayson, Cuckoo Marans (Cockerel). From the Barred Rock bin at TSC.

Princess, Cuckoo Marans? BSL boy? Olive Egger? Obviously a barred something but not quite sure what yet. If it's a pullet (not too sure about that either) I really hope it's an OE, but like I said, we'll see. From the same bin as Grayson.

Chiky, RIR (Probably Cockerel)

Fluffy, Buff Orpington (Could go either way but I'm leaning cockerel)

Whitey, BO (Ditto Fluffy on gender)

Odder, BO (Pullet)

Lucy, BO (Pullet)

Rylee, RSL (Pullet)

Matty, RSL (Pullet)

Bean, EE (Looks like cockerel)

Margo (MJ), EE (Really hoping she's a pullet, but we'll see)
WHICH CHICK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???? :eek::eek::eek::eek: I'm SO confused!

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