
@Leader Bee How's Norbert doing?
A weeks worth of amprolium doesn't seem to have done anything, i am now awaiting on some flubenvet to see if its a worming issue - still no loss of appetite as far as i can tell, but looks a scraggly mess and weighs significantly less than his brother; no idea what to try next if this doesn't work
Can you take a poop sample to the vet? Hows his poop?
I ordered a worm testing kit from amazon, there apparently a voucher to send it away to a lab, so yes, ill be doing that over the next few days....both geese on almost 100% pellet diet, i give them cucumbers and assorted veggies when i can but theyve eaten all thr grass in the garden so poop is often pretty sloppy anyway - no change in consistency or colour since i noticed these changes in him though and no blood.
My goose hasn't any grass inside the birds property the chickens made sure of that. I try and buy greens for them so she at least has greens a couple times a week. I'm sure they will do fine on pellets over winter with some veggies given.
Can you get antibiotics without a doctor? might not be a bad idea to try some Baytril after you have his poop tested for worms and it comes up clean. The only thing is usually if they have an infection going on they lose their appetite and are lethargic. Just generally don't feel well.
SO I have just gotten the results from the lab about my boys poop:

Worm egg count: 25 E.P.G Heterakis

From what i've read, 25 is a very low count? should i be worried and is flubenvet effective against them?
Do you have a recent picture on how he is doing. Getting better or worse? Is he improving or going down hill? Is this the same boy with the puffy heal from a few months ago? Did it heal or is it still poofy. Did it heal and the swelling go down? Just things to ask yourself without going crazy. Just questions I know thous 2 boys are your life.
Not the same goose, no, but Norbert doesnt seem to be losing anymore weight; currently at work but i will yake a picture of him later...he seems to have lost all of his waterproof feathers from his neck down. He still has flight feathers on his wings, of course, but he is still looking pretty scraggly as its all exposed down on his chest.

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