Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!


Would this little dude be considered lavender? I dont show or anything but he looks lavender to me. Thanks!

No, this would be considered Splash. Self-Blue, what they will be called, are still in the early stages of development as Jennifer stated. They are not an accepted variety for Cochins yet and are very few in numbers for good quality stock. Self-Blue can only be bred to itself or Black to produce more of the same, crossing to White will give you god knows what, lol.

Germany....if want to import some,I'll take a pair
, maybe one day.

Ok everybody Master breeder Sheryl Butler from Bothel Wa. is selling her 3rd BEST White Frizzle cockerel of 2012 hatch.She has decided to keep only 2 for this show season. Show Quality and from some of the best frizzles in the country. $50 plus shipping.She is NPIP certified . This bird is younger and still has filling out to do. For questions for more picture email:[email protected]. By phone 425-485-6040
So excited and wanted to share my first frizzle baby (5 weeks old now) 2 week pictures below-so funny that a solid yellow chick magically becomes black and white--I think its a girl but again this is my first one so with my luck you are all going to say Roo

Oh my goodness, those are so darn cute. I think second picture looks like roo, I might be wrong.

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