Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!


Which brings me to a question. For those who show, do you use a special shampoo or anything on your white Cochins and if so, what do you use? Or just keep them up in cages during their show career.
I wash my white birds (White smooth, White Frizzle, and Columbians) in Tide laundry detergent (Tide with bleach alternative) I make sure each bird spends at least 5 minutes in the wash water to work on stains and let the detergent do its job. Then the next 3 steps are the same for any Cochin. #2 rinse in vinegar water to cut suds #3 clean water rinse..#4 and some do not do this step. but I rinse in water and Downey fabric softener. Wrap in a towel for 10 minutes then dry them. In the summer I let them loose in the yard and let them dry normally and in the winter I use a hair dryer kept at least 12 " from the bird.
I let my birds run in the field next to the poultry bldg sometimes but if I have a show coming the bird is caged. I will let many of my birds run free now that breeding season is almost done and I am done showing until Labor day.
Good morning
I am new to backyard chicken and I'd like to buy some batam hens. Do you have any that will be hatching soon? Do you sell them?
Thanks in advance for any information.
You probably should go the the section in the forum that has chickens and chicks for sale. There you may be able to find someone in your area with chickens for sale and possibly someone that ships chicks since this time of year it is too hot to ship adult birds. In my area, anyhow.

Go to the top of this page and where it says forum you can mouse over it and get a drop down menu. The last category on the menu is Buy-Sell-Trade so click on that or use the side menu to get closer to what you are looking for and click on one of those.

Well, Craig has been washing and showing his birds for years and hasn't had any problems with them. I personally wash my white Cochins in Dawn and then add "blueing" to the water. I, also, have been doing it for years on bantams and LF without any problems.
I assure you, it does not hurt the bird. I have quite a few that are 7 and 8 years old and were done early in life. It isn't like we pour it in their eyes. These birds often get treated far better than people's children.

Experience guides us and we do not do anything to hurt our beloved pets.
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Not a Cochin in the bunch.

Nice chicks but they are NOT Cochins

frizzles some cochin below were the mom and grand ma of the yellow chick.

this one's the mom, LOVE my mutts!!!!
by the way black cochin bantams...

I am glad you love your mutts. You want to smack me you better be right.

I say that because those chicks do meet the DQ criteria for the breed.

Vulture Hocks - BARE MIDDLE and or /or outer toe - Bottoms of feet showing complete absence of yellow in all varieties - Shanks and toes of a color other than hereinafter described under the particular variety.
Nobody wants to block you. Anyone can report you if they so chose. It appears nobody wants to do that. What is desired is to stick to the topic of this site which is Cochins and Cochin Frizzles. I hope you understand.

I breed and show many varieties of Bantam Cochins including Frizzles at the National level including 4th best at last years ABA National. Won 1 Best of Show and 2 Reserve of Shows this Spring and 6 Champion Featherlegs. I promote and love the breed too much to let this site be polluted by ignorance and disrespect.

Thank you to Andy and OzarkCountry Girl for your on point comments.
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Thank you Tea Chick, Yes I am not a Newbie- raised and HATCHED my own chickens 40 years. But I am the kind of chicken breeder purests do not like because I take purebreds and make them not pure bred- I was not trying to deceive anyone on here, and when I would post, I did say mixes.
this chick I hatched my self, is the one that so upset "black cochin" this chick she claimed was not cochin frizzle is double frizzle- both parents, and a cochin grandma. I thought that made it a cochin frizzle. but the parents had no fancy papers or awards is this the sin?

this page is not an awards page and I am sure not everyone who has cochins or frizzles has 100% show quality, you should have said SHOW QUALITY only.
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It wont let me edit my post on my phone. I hit reply before I had finished. Simple fact is the photos are not of cochin bantams. There are plenty of places to share pictures of mixed chickens on byc. I for one am interested in learning about cochin bantams and not really interested in seeing other breeds. Noone has been rude and I find some of the comments ridiculous and childish. You are saying it is cruel to bathe a chicken but are deliberately breeding frizzle to frizzle. The resulting chick could have all manner or problems and a pretty miserable life.

Edited by staff
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It wont let me edit my post on my phone. I hit reply before I had finished. Simple fact is the photos are not of cochin bantams. There are plenty of places to share pictures of mixed chickens on byc. I for one am interested in learning about cochin bantams and not really interested in seeing other breeds. Noone has been rude and I find some of the comments ridiculous and childish. You are saying it is cruel to bathe a chicken but are deliberately breeding frizzle to frizzle. The resulting chick could have all manner or problems and a pretty miserable life.

Just thought I would let you know for future convenience- the edit button should be a pencil icon in the middle at the bottom of your post.
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I can honestly say that most of my bantam Cochins are not SQ and definitely not my Frizzles, though we may remedy that this fall. BCB has never said anything derogatory to me about my birds...EVER.
I breed a lot of bantam Cochins and Frizzles, several hundred hatch out every year. I mix colors but not breeds, though I did years ago when I had a goal in mind because that is what a breeder does...have a goal to create a beautiful bird with a lovely temperament.

This is one of my youngsters that is headed for the Frizzle pen. All my Frizzles are pure Cochin and I have never ever bred Frizzle to Frizzle since experience has taught us that is a horrible life for a chicken.

And another that I think will be interesting in my Frizzle pen, sibling to the above fella.

I like the light bright colors on a Frizzle and naturally bantam Cochins are pretty awesome little pets. Some of my older breeders are on up in years but I still use them in the breeding pens even if they can not be shown anymore or not always proven to be showable birds. Cochins will always be my pets.

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