Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Do you know if she will have a pair or trio available at the upcoming PNPA show
Sheryl will not be showing Vancouver as she is traveling to California the week before to attend the APA semi-national. She does not have a trio now but said she could possible send started chicks down to you . Feel free to PM if this sound interesting to you....
Hi all!

I would like to find someone who has a nice BQ or SQ barred banty cochin hen for sale. Or a few chicks or hatching eggs from a good quality flock. I have a roo that is a "sport" (he is buff with some faint white barring) and I would like to try to breed a few buff barred from him. The helpful people on that thread suggested that he is best paired with a black barred hen. And since he needs a bit of improvement in conformation, I am hoping for a hen with great type (aren't we all). However, I do not want shipped birds or eggs. For, although I have great success hatching my own eggs, I have had lousy luck with shipped eggs over the last few years. However, I will be at the PNPA Spring show at the Clark Co Fairgrounds showing some of my birds and could pick up a bird, chicks or eggs at that time.

If you know of anyone who I might contact in order to purchase a nice barred hen, a few chicks, or some hatching eggs, please let me know.

So excited and wanted to share my first frizzle baby (5 weeks old now) 2 week pictures below-so funny that a solid yellow chick magically becomes black and white--I think its a girl but again this is my first one so with my luck you are all going to say Roo

They are awesome babies! I may be a bit prejudiced though! I am hoping all girls!
They are awesome babies! I may be a bit prejudiced though! I am hoping all girls!
Same bird just 2 current pics and 2 baby pics. I am so hopeful this is a pullet as I got a very handsome black mottled Roo out of this hatch too. If it is a girl name will very appropriately be Carolina! Gets to be my avatar pic, but most likely for only a couple days
I love reds! I had one red named Lucy. She gave me incredible offspring for many years. I am going to have to see about getting more......wait, I have red bantam Cochins...... I will have to make some this year!
I love reds! I had one red named Lucy. She gave me incredible offspring for many years. I am going to have to see about getting more......wait, I have red bantam Cochins...... I will have to make some this year!
I got some potriadge this year, both of those died, one right away the other lived for 4 days. Now one of my blues looking kind of sickish, I do hope it will not die. I have red frizzle roo, was hoping for some red chicks, I guess it is not the time, got to wait on those. Post some pictures of your red one, I bet she is pretty.

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