Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

I would think anything with good feathering would improve the chicks, but I am no breeder either! Best to let the experts give their advise.

Which hatchery are these Frazzles from? Might want to post that info somewhere.
They came from McMurry Hatchery. The frazzles are really not nice. If you pick one up, feathers break or come out in your hands. I feel really sorry for them. The little frazzle cockerel's feathers look like they are just dead. Much of his plumage is just the shaft of the feathers with no vane, or just the tip of the vane. Both have kind of stunted, deformed wings. It is really weird. The little pullet can grab your finger with her own finger.
my youngest son was born in Olympia

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