Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

My frizzle cochin had those colors

and she became black.

That's amazing that her beak changed color like that!!! Wow!

My chicks with spots on head are barred or barred cross colored. ..

So my guess is black
Black mottled
Barred black.


Cool! Thanks! =)

I'm really just glad to have some color; I'm also curious what they'd look like. I'm one of those moms who would do the 4D-what's-my-baby-going-to-look-like-when-he/she-comes-out ultrasound.
Thanks. =)
Do you know what I get genetically when I mix them with white (that are probably not genetically pure white, they're....
Just figured out there's no way to answer that question. Sorry. =)
I'll go back to:

"Thanks =) "

Oh, wow!!! Went from being that light to black?!?!?!

That is a very complex question really. Simple answer is "no one knows"

White birds can be many different things, we have two genes responsible for most white birds, dominant white "I" and recessive white "c", white birds these two genes will often be hiding a lot of other genes too.

You can white birds on a silver base, and white birds on a gold base.

For example, my white hens are gold based, but also carry mottling, and are white due to carrying recessive white. So when i breed them to black i get black mottled birds, with red/brown colours leaking in to the hackle feathers.

If your birds are dominant white then you should see some white feathers coming through from your cross to black. If they are recessive white then the offspring will be black.

Sorry if my answer is confusing, but i have seen white birds here carrying mottling, columbian, even patterning gene. So it makes your question a very difficult one to answer without knowing what makes up your white birds.
Hey everyone! Im thinking about getting some cochins. I saw some at a trade today that looked like they were blue splash, couldve been lemon blue splash as well or even just had some brassy colored feathers. Im sure theres blue splash, but what about lemon blue splash or am I making that up? Lol. I like the more unique colors like that, so please share pics of yours so I can decide what colors to get! Thanks! :)

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