Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Chicks are so darned endearing! They never cease to make me smile and I have to rub their soft cuteness on my cheek. (At which point I hear my mother, "Don't put that dirty animal on your face!" LOL)
Chicks are so darned endearing! They never cease to make me smile and I have to rub their soft cuteness on my cheek. (At which point I hear my mother, "Don't put that dirty animal on your face!" LOL)
My mom used to do that all the time lol. As far as I'm concerned I am old enough to rub a chick on my face if I want to lol. Now she likes them too. But my grandma, that is a stubborn lady. Still says that they are birds and they are nasty
. Thats ok though, because she never sees them lol
Chicks are so darned endearing! They never cease to make me smile and I have to rub their soft cuteness on my cheek. (At which point I hear my mother, "Don't put that dirty animal on your face!" LOL)

I do that too! One of my favorite things is when we have tiny chicks like silkies or Cochins is to pick up as many as I can and rub them on my face.
Yeah, I don't see anything unclean about them. My mom was not an animal person but I am all in with my animals! I cuddle, love and whisper sweet words to them. My daughter says I give them much more love than her. LOL I tell her I am giving mommy love to them all because I am the only mommy they know.
I went to an auction lastnight and was totally bummed at how low bantam Cochins were selling for. Is there a reason they would go for change ( less than a dollar). I think they are awesome birds and didn't understand the cheap prices on them.
Most folks consider them novelty birds. No meat on them as a LF and not a good large egg layer. Bantam Cochins are good sellers to people who love the breed. I would have a gazillion if I could!
I have 3 bantam frizzles one cockerel whit.pullet white one brown.should I breed whitecto white ir allow the white to fertilize the brown frizzles eggs.they arent laying yet and im new to any kind of chickens.but these are beautiful.frizzle fraggle and rock...any suggestions on how to pair my chickens to have quality them april10th..been feeding starter grower when and what do I change feed to.? Thanks in advance.

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