Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Oh wow, you can tell I'm going back and looking. This is nice, as you have probably already heard. You have some nice birds!

I had me a pure black girl. She was cute, but not this fluffy!
Here she is with babies.

She was actually more fluffy before going broody. You know how that goes. Sweet mama hen. Loved her. Fanny. :)
Folks come here and ask all kinds of ?s.

I like to see pics and share them and answer any ? Anyone has.

And I'm so jelouse of Amy's and Craig's birds. I even got some from Amy. 1st time a a dull batch but the 2nd time around I got a good hatch. Was hoping for girls but looks like I got 4 boys out of 7. But I love love love them. Got her mottled blues. I got 2 lite blues and 3 dark blues and looks like 2 blacks. I'm gonna keep 2 of the boys but the others will be prob sold to a friend.

I love my birds and right now their on my crap list as I have over 50 hens and only got 2 eggs today and I believe they was from my silkies. Lol ;)

I have about a doz of silkies too in my coop.
One of my sweet little Mottled Girls.

This color is easy to know on her. :)

I take it this is one of those threads where most want to talk color, breeding/genetics. Are there some that come on to ask anything..about..a cochin? Is it a good layer? How often do they go broody? Are they friendly? Just wondered if anyone has come on here for these questions.
I can help with any questions if anyone has a question other than breeding them. I have bought the eggs also from a breeder mentioned here. I've hatched all of mine..but this girl. If anyone has a question about hatching these small eggs, I can help with that too. Real quick, I find that they are easier to hatch than silkies, mainly because of the difference in the shape of skulls. I never had good luck with a certain breeder's egg hatching though, I must live too far away. Different shipping areas make a difference I have found. Fun to hatch though, when they get going!

Just want to thank you for your gracious offer of help. Every day we have new questions, even though they sometimes seem the same, new folks show up and ask a million questions.
To each of them those questions are important.
How nice to have folks like you who can offer advice on a variety of subjects.
Your response here is a perfect example of why we need lots of questions and lots of different folks to answer them. I have raised nothing but Silkies for many, many years and find them super easy to hatch, so have to say I have had super luck compared to what you say, that they may be a little bit more difficult.
I'm just saying this because we all have different experiences, sometimes years of knowledge gathered and it might not be the same as
someone else who also has years of knowledge from first hand experience. [hope this makes sense]
Bottom line what I am saying is that all questions are important to the ones asking them.
And ALL advice from people like YOU is very valuable and I for one thank you for the kind offer of help!!
Thanks SonRise, I have learned how to hatch silkies at a pretty good rate. I know a lot of folks on my state thread have had soo many problems with a successful hatch..I am thinking I shouldn't go by that account. You are right, different experiences! I personally find that hatching a doz. cochin eggs are easier than the silkies. But, I get them hatched. Most of the time.
Again, shipped eggs here.
I read back, hope I didn't sound like a know it all..that really isn't me.
I knew how I was .. sounding .. in my head as I wrote, but when it comes out in writing, things sure can be taken a bit different sometimes. Any ol way, I really am willing to give advice if needed. And I will be the first to admit when I could be wrong, or that someone may have a better answer.
Just for fun, since we have talked about Silkies, here are a couple of photos of some that I hatched, right here on the cochin thread! Then, I will be back to them..both!

LIittle cockerel

Big girl..yes girl. :)

Go silkies and cochins..the chickens out there. They are soo sweet. Have to say, love me a SG or two also!

SonRise, love your final big print in your signature. This is very true!
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this is my new rooster love him love bantams have two roosters together and you would think the two were hens get along awesome

What a pretty color. Cochins are a very peaceable breed when ever possible. I raise all the chciks together till they are really near grown. The roosters get along fine, no fights, but when they get a little too rough on the girls they have to go and live in "bachelor quarters" They still get along though.
When you take a rooster from a flock of his own hens then he has a different attitude about every other bird.
All in all though, the Cochins are a sweet nature d bird.
Sorry for the coloring of this flash wasnt working on my camera....But here is Itty Bitty...she is a Buff Barred Bantam Cochin....barley half the size of a salt shaker!!! So tiny but with a very large amount of spunk!!!

yackety. I'm needing a blue out in my yard, yours is very pretty.

Kristan ~ Itty Bitty is adorable. I have stopped hatching chicks, just a couple of months ago..I miss those fuzzy little critters, so get my fix on here..too those fuzzy/hairy little legs. :D

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