Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Here are my Blue mille fleured munchkins.

I think I NEED those!
Hi all,
We began keeping birds (chickens, ducks, turkeys) this past spring and have really enjoyed it. We've also used BYC as our main point of reference and to date most of our questions have been answered with a little searching of the forums. However, late in the Spring we couldn't help ourselves and "rescued" the last 3 birds at our local Cenex. They were labeled "Assorted Jap Bantams" but appear to be Cochin Bantams. The two pullets look very much like our Silver Laced Wyandottes and the young Roo looks very similar.
Can you guys and gals tell us what we have here?

Here's the young Roo, Johnny Bravo. I thought I had pics of the pullets but I'll have to run outside and find them now. Back in a flash...

New babies! These are from my Millie Cochins.. Please excuse the brooder. I had to very hurriedly move the last chicks out before being able to get it spotless. (Huge hatch and had to move chicks so that they would not be squished by other eggs). A tiny little black bantam cochin hatched these guys for me. She had a total of 21 eggs under her. We lost two right off from getting squished hence why we started moving them. 2 eggs were no good. AT this point I believe 10 total have hatched and 5 eggs remain. They seem viable and sh is still setting on them. 2 eggs had a umm accident.I still feel guilty about it. I was checking for pips and well I tripped. Those poor babies. They had not absorbed the yolk yet and would have been too week to survive.(I feel really bad about that one.. I literally picked two up and the dog got under my legs.) Will be placing them back with their mom once she is finished hatching. Thank goodness she is a fantastic surrogate as well as broody!

New babies! These are from my Millie Cochins.. Please excuse the brooder. I had to very hurriedly move the last chicks out before being able to get it spotless. (Huge hatch and had to move chicks so that they would not be squished by other eggs). A tiny little black bantam cochin hatched these guys for me. She had a total of 21 eggs under her. We lost two right off from getting squished hence why we started moving them. 2 eggs were no good. AT this point I believe 10 total have hatched and 5 eggs remain. They seem viable and sh is still setting on them. 2 eggs had a umm accident.I still feel guilty about it. I was checking for pips and well I tripped. Those poor babies. They had not absorbed the yolk yet and would have been too week to survive.(I feel really bad about that one.. I literally picked two up and the dog got under my legs.) Will be placing them back with their mom once she is finished hatching. Thank goodness she is a fantastic surrogate as well as broody!

So cute! I want some Mille Fleurs so bad! I had a pair i bought of a "breeder" but they died a week after i got them. So mad over that. They are not very common around here.
New babies! These are from my Millie Cochins.. Please excuse the brooder. I had to very hurriedly move the last chicks out before being able to get it spotless. (Huge hatch and had to move chicks so that they would not be squished by other eggs). A tiny little black bantam cochin hatched these guys for me. She had a total of 21 eggs under her. We lost two right off from getting squished hence why we started moving them. 2 eggs were no good. AT this point I believe 10 total have hatched and 5 eggs remain. They seem viable and sh is still setting on them. 2 eggs had a umm accident.I still feel guilty about it. I was checking for pips and well I tripped. Those poor babies. They had not absorbed the yolk yet and would have been too week to survive.(I feel really bad about that one.. I literally picked two up and the dog got under my legs.) Will be placing them back with their mom once she is finished hatching. Thank goodness she is a fantastic surrogate as well as broody!


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