Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

I love your birds! Would love to find out about buying hatching eggs or some birds from you. Can you PM me, please?

Sorry Teachick, its just busy time, i dont have new pics but...

young Twister

baby calico

baby calico
okay yup, i am in love.
i already have a wild mixed flock, whats a few more? do you ever sell and ship chicks? if so i want.
I have a blue frizzled bantam Cochin hen....14 months old. And a black bantam Cochin roo....7 months old. I got them together and I wondered if the two could have any color offspring besides blue or black. And the odds of them having more frizzles.
From what I have read, you never want to breed frizzle to frizzle so good job with the mix.

I think the frizzle chance s 50%. I am not an expert with the genetics so hopefully someone else will chime in.
Mille fleur bantam cochin chickie

Standard and bantam chickies.

Mille fleur/calico bantam chickies

Congrats! I love the middle picture of the standard and bantam duo there
How do you get such great pics? My little buggers never stay still standing alone, let alone in a group...LOL! I alsways get "action" shots or really great pics of their butts
I thinking of buying some Banam Cochin hatching eggs. I'm looking for information regarding their care that is different than full sized birds. Roosting space and height, ect. The only bantams I have experience with are game bantams and I've also raised full sized birds.

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