cochin eggs ?


12 Years
Aug 2, 2010
well i had another thread open discussing my mystery egg but its long gone and now i have a new question! i have been getting 1 white egg a day and suspected my cochin hen. i was told that it must be my rir pullet, because she has white earlobes, and that all cochins lay brownish eggs. im stumped because my pullet is pretty young, i didnt think i would be getting eggs from her yet which is why i suspected the cochin, and now im still convinced its the cochin because i saw her in the nest box and then checked about 45 minutes later and there was another white egg! is it possible that i have a white egg laying cochin, or are they trying to trick me and its really the rir pullet?! im stumped
According to Henderson's Breed chart, cochin eggs can be tinted. Which can be very close to white. My own cochin lays very light eggs, nearly white. I had no idea they laid brown eggs. And Rhode Island Reds should lay brown eggs and their earlobes should be red. So unless they were wrong in the earlobe color your rir may not be a rir.
i just have no idea, im going to put a picture of the "rir bantam", thats what i was told she was. it was from an auction so im sure shes not pure, someone else said she looked like a production red. the first egg was slightly tinted, but the second was perfect and clean and definetly white. i also thought that a rir would lay brown, but i looked on that chart and for a rir bantam with a rosecomb would lay a small white egg too. im stumped.

I must say I am too.
I think we need an RIR or cochin professional for this. I can't see why a bantam chicken would lay a different color egg then the standard one, and with a rosecomb? Her comb looks single to me. But your right, she could possibly be a mix. Not sure what production reds lay, but I'm pretty sure it's brown too. She looks like all of my RIR chicks. \\:
That bird looks too young to be laying. Cochins can lay a very light egg, so if she's of age, I'll bet it's her.
I agree that your RIR is way too young to be laying. My RIR has been laying for 3 weeks and has very a very red comb and wattles. She lays brown eggs. I found a very light egg the other day and suspect it was my cochin. It had that strange, first egg look to it, so I expect another soon.


Bobbi's first egg

Bobbi on the day of her first egg
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I have 5 cochins two black two white and one buff they all lay brown and brown speckled eggs I have never received a white egg from any of them! Humm thats odd I have always been told that cochins lay brown never white and that's what I have experienced and ohh they are beautiful eggs nicely shaped and big and brown make me happy just thinking about those lovely eggs!
I have Cochins and their eggs are brown, however one of them lays a very light pale egg, beside the rest of them it is almost white...
well today was the second day i caught the cochin in the nest box, and today she was singing after she came out and sure enough, another little white egg, or very very pale pink. I tried to take a picture that would capture the very slight difference in shade compared to a store bought white egg.
The big egg on the left is the store bought, the middle egg is her second egg, and the third is todays egg, the spot is from my camera lense. Anyone have an egg that light from a cochin before?


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