Cochin Frizzle bantam male or female

hen and thats that
I don't think she has given us eggs yet. I haven't seen a small egg yet. All I have is standard barred rocks with the one cochin. At 31 weeks this is what she looks like now. How old is a bantam cochin when they lay?

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As far as we can tell we are leaning torwards a hen. I have yet to get a smaller egg they are seem to be the same size as my barred rock eggs. She hangs around nests all the time. Acts manly sometimes and other times not. It will be interesting when spring comes around to see if she starts to lay.
With it being almost the shortest day of the year (12-21-13), there might not be enough light to stimulate laying. Give it more time I would think if it was a roo it would be crowing by now.
I know that this thread was about whether @birmann had a male or female frizzle cochin bantam, but I figured I'd let you all know that mine is definitely a girl.

She is laying eggs!

I think this is her second egg (the first one I found broken under the roost):

35 grams, and very oval.

Here she is about a month ago:

Violet is now about 40.5 weeks old, black frizzle cochin bantam.

She actually has a cross-beak, so I was worried she would never get enough nutrition to lay eggs. I'm happy she is growing, and weighs over a kilogram now!
Violet is so cute ♡ I have Violet too....but she isn't a frizzle. My frizzle is named Daisy and she just started laying a couple of weeks ago (she will be turning 1 on april 22). we have had so much snow this winter and im now getting 6 eggs a day from my 9 hens. Pretty impressive :)

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