Cochin leg problem...progressively worse

Amy Carter

Nov 10, 2017
MA/NH border
My favorite Cochin...sweetest sweetie ever...has over the past month acquired a limp that has gotten progressively worse. It wasn’t a sudden injury and even a month ago I realized the joint on the bad leg was a different size. Today she doesn’t even want to put weight on it. Here are pics of both legs. What is going on???


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She could be developing a gimp. We have had one chicken and one turkey that this has happened to before. You need to make a splint ASAP. Put it on her joint then watch. It could also be a vitamin deficiency. I'm not the one to ask what type of vitamin but I am going to tag some people who might know.
@Wyorp Rock @KikisGirls
I'm having trouble seeing the difference in these photos.
Could she have broken her leg?
The second pic shows the joint on her second leg being literally at least twice as wide as the other leg. A broken leg is unlikely because the problem is the gigantic joint not a leg bone and also because it has come on gradually over the course of a month, not all of a sudden like an acute condition.
Post another picture of the hen standing for us, if she doesn’t wanna stand, go ask the chicken experts.
Seriously, ask them, I’m not some chicken doctor.
Can you explain more? I thought funky simply means the chicken lumps but is not a condition in and of itself?

A gimp is when a chickens leg is sort of like a twisted leg, but instead of twisting it starts bending at the joint until they are walking with their knee instead of their foot. Then there toes start to curl and their foot is facing out.

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