Cochin Self Judging Contest


9 Years
Apr 27, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I love Cochins, all types of Cochins. So everyone let's post pictures of our Cochins, age, name, and what category they win in your hearts. Just for fun.
Every fluffy butt chicken is a winner.

I'll post a couple pictures of my hen and deceased frizzled bantam. I'll grab pictures of my new Cochins later.


Alice--About 1 year and a half
The most loving hen
(She follows me EVERYWHERE and adopts some broodies chicks


Desmond--He died in September of last year.
The most protective rooster. The little banty protected the flock against a giant owl. He would warm Alice up by wedging her in the warmest section of the coop and standing guard.
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sold this girl a month ago
3 years old
name ginger
standard buff cochin hen
Prettiest hen

shes missing tail feathers from the roo


hatched this one last month
1 month old
not named yet
bantam black cochin pullet
cutest chick


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Oh my gosh - princess fairy photo is perfect!!! I have to show my daughter! She is 6 and likes to put bows on her mille fleur d'uccle:

I forgot to post a photo of a cochin! My other daughter (age 8) loves ALL cochin bantams. Her rooster "fluffy feet" got LAST-place in a chicken show, but she's super proud of him anyway! He still got a ribbon (5th place!) He would win the "biggest spur" contest though since his spurs are 3 inches long (he's almost 3 yrs old!) and every hen in the building would've picked him as the best rooster because he often gets 3 hens in the nestbox at once with him, and all the hens run and squat down by him to be mated. He is a sweet talker and constantly chats with them and offers them tasty morsels.

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