Cochin Thread, What are the pro's and con's of Cochins

My cochins are fabulous. I have standard cochins. The roos are so gentle and don't seem to mind new additions to the coop. I have one roo who raised 2 lone chicks. they have since grown and he now has a harem of two. Just a few weeks ago a bantam mille OEGB rooster decided he liked their coop better and has moved in, Dutch could care less that he is in there. Cant say that about other breeds.I just hatched 7 little fluffy butts my last hatch of the season, Mine lay well, go broody(when I let them) and are just a joy to have.
We have a partridge roo. His crow isn't a usual one, it sounds more like err-ERRR-oooooooooo

But we get compliments on him from visitors, they love his metallic green tail feathers

He's also great with our daughter
Pros: They are fun to watch run across the field like little Sumo wrestlers. They are very docile, Roo's are quiet.

Con: Eggs have a tough membrane and I end up with a bit of shell in the eggs that I have to pick out. You almost have to tear the membrane open once you crack the shell. However, once you get them open they can't be beat for taste, just like all eggs you only walk 20 feet to collect!

Oh, I just hate this thread! I don't hear any, "cons!"
I was hoping you would all talk me out of wanting cochins ....
but, no, you are convincing me that I NEED them!
They are so cute, like nothing else.
BTW: I just kept the PRO's short in my first post and actually I do not have any CON's nor do I believe in any.

Go for it, but do not forget to post pictures!!!
I have 3 cochins. I had 6 but sold 3 to another member on here when they were a few months old.

Mine are very sweet. And relatively friendly. I can pick them up and carry them around with much less fuss than the others. They are pretty low in the pecking order, only above the new additions.

BIG CON: They are slow and mellow and the roosters that can't catch the dominant and small/fast hens will constantly breed them. It got to where they were hiding in the coop all day up on the roosts to try to avoid them. I actually caught one rooster breeding one ON the roost

I have one who has all broken feathers on her back from the roosters now
The only hen in my entire flock like that.

I removed the worst rooster from the flock, and that seems to have solved the issue. The Blue Andalusian rooster still harrasses them a bit but my big Jersey Giant rooster has started protecting them (finally) and it isn't as big of an issue now.

They still don't like to hang out with the big flock all the time. I find them off all by themselves in their own little trio a lot of days. Not sure if it is just mine being goofy, or if others have issues with cochins in a mixed flock.
I agree with fla-native. Our standard cochins seem to take 10-18 months to fully mature. They are up to almost full size by 10 months, but if you want them in full bloom for the show ring be prepared to wait. The pullets were a minimum of 8-10 months of age before laying too.

The feet feathers are not much fun to keep intact for the show ring. Dingleberries. Tweezing feather stubs off the comb. Trimming cushions for fertility.....

Love the attitudes though.

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