Cochin Thread, What are the pro's and con's of Cochins

I have read that Cochins tend to get lazy and fat unless free ranged. Mine don't seem to eat anymore than the other birds do and they look so cute out there free ranging and scratching in the dirt with their big fuzzy butts sticking up in the air.
Mine seem to forage more than other breeds.
Mine don't seem to eat any more than the other breeds either. They are just adoreable out foraging (sp?)-especially the banties. They tend to stay in their little group, and don't wander that far from the coop. My Sussex on the other hand.....good luck finding them!

I tried to get my oldest hen the other day to take a pic. Holy cow- I can't believe how heavy she is!
I don't think Cochins get fat and lazy. I think they are, by nature, a mellow breed (aka lazy).....and that their big old fluffy feathers make them look fat. Case in point, my father was over visiting and when he saw them he said "WOW, those birds are FAT". They really aren't. They are just big boned! Er...I mean, fluffy. How convenient, I am a bit "fluffy" myself too

Mine do stay mostly in their own little group. They forage less than my other chickens, but my other chickens are lean mean foraging machines. These girls like to take the time to dustbathe, sunbathe, groom, sit on the arbor railing and chat, dustbathe some more, have a midday snack, rearrange the nesting boxes, make angry faces at the Andalusians, dustbathe some more....etc etc.
HA!HA! good luck with the cons. I have both the large and small and they are great. They are beautiful. HA!HA! Once you get one its all over you will need more and you will need both sizes and all the colors.
I have had them for 11 years.
Most of mine are super easy to catch.
Most of the time I am tripping over them since they are such loving pets. But even the ones that are skittish (raised without attention) are very smart and learn how you will treat them and come around to easily being handled.
I have one roo that hates to be handled but when I open his pen and pick up his ladies to go to the coop for the night I just let him run along in front of me and he will go up the steps, into the barn and down the row to his pen. He now waits for me to put his girls up and then lift him up into the cage. He used to demand I let him put himself to bed but he is getting used to being handled enough that he prefers I lift him so he doesn't have to make the jump. Of course, a little rub on the ear lobes makes him fond of me, too.

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