Cochin Thread!!!

My miracle babies!
I actually had 8 of the 13 Ameraucana eggs hatch. I sold the other 7. This one just came out of the shell Saturday morning as I was leaving for the swap, so I left it.

The other buff Columbian died in the incubator and 2 never hatched.
As I said before, I lost the 6 viable eggs that remained of the black bantam Cochins. This one finally got on it's own feet after almost a day of struggling.
All my hope now rides on this little girl. Yes, I am only guessing, but I sure hope it's a she.

I adore this wee one... not a naughty bone in HER body... just gorgeous feathering. Note the coy over the shoulder glance???? She's super photogenic, lemony blue all over....can I get a guess on sex anyone???
This is a question about partridge cochins in particular.

When do the roosters start to show their real colouring? My boy is almost six months old and seems 'blotchy' is this normal? At what age will he look like he should?

This is a question about partridge cochins in particular.
When do the roosters start to show their real colouring? My boy is almost six months old and seems 'blotchy' is this normal? At what age will he look like he should?
This is a Large Fowl? If so he will grow for quite a while. It is always possible that he will never "look like he should" and still be a strikingly beautiful bird. The bantam Partridge I have won't do as well in a show as several of my other varieties but are the prettiest out in the yard of anything I have.
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I wanted to know what you thought of this cockerel. He's 6 months old. He was the one my other bachelors ganged up on and just about killed. I kept him because he was the nicest one of the whole group. I am not sure that's saying much, though. He is missing some tail feathers thanks to the young birds in with him. I am also aware he has a purple & blue sheen to his feathers. I am also aware that the picture is not the best, but it's the best one I got after chasing him around for over an hour trying to get a good picture.

He looks very sweet, but the first thing I noticed was how bad his wing carriage appears. But of course if could just be a bad photo.
I wanted to know what you thought of this cockerel. He's 6 months old. He was the one my other bachelors ganged up on and just about killed. I kept him because he was the nicest one of the whole group. I am not sure that's saying much, though. He is missing some tail feathers thanks to the young birds in with him. I am also aware he has a purple & blue sheen to his feathers. I am also aware that the picture is not the best, but it's the best one I got after chasing him around for over an hour trying to get a good picture.

Nope, I was wondering about that. I didn't think it was right either - to low and pushed forward, if that makes sense.

ETA: I am heading to an auction in the next 2 weeks and if he's not even BQ, he's going. I am sick of paying to feed crap birds. I am trying to save up for something decent. I may have to travel quite a bit, but oh well.
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Someone may correct me on this, but I don't believe you can breed out bad wing carriage. They should also be small and "tucked up" - you want to be able to see the thigh fluff. The appearance should be that they are held more horizontal than vertical. Could be overall that they are just too big and long to be held correctly.

You are 100% correct - if you are serious about going forward, save your feed money and buy the best trio/quad that a good reputable breeder will let go of, and don't forget to add the cost of an SOP into your initial investment. All this will, in the end, put you years ahead and save you money. Then take the money you're saving and put it into a travel fund, so you can afford to take those birds to the meets and show them off!

Seems to me that the best breeders/exhibitors have turned their programs around from culling adults to culling chicks.

Nope, I was wondering about that. I didn't think it was right either - to low and pushed forward, if that makes sense.

ETA: I am heading to an auction in the next 2 weeks and if he's not even BQ, he's going. I am sick of paying to feed crap birds. I am trying to save up for something decent. I may have to travel quite a bit, but oh well.

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