Cochin Thread!!!

Ok, experts I need help with gender on one of my cochins. When I posted pictures of them when they were 7 weeks old I got some mixed reviews. I had one person say one of them was a cockeral and another say I had all pullets. I was leaning more towards all pullets because they all had the same amount of comb development and lack of color in the combs. Now I am not sure about one of them. It has a larger comb right now but it is still pale and no wattles are coming in yet. They are 13 weeks old right now. Here are the pictures of them.
This is the best closeup I could get of the comb.

Here it is with my other lighter blue cochin and my polish. It is the one in the back.

BTW these are LF cochins.

Help please! Do I have a cockeral or a pullet? I already have 2 cockerals in this batch of chicks and I am sure we are not keeping 3 cockerals if this one ends up being a roo as well.
There are 2 pullets in the bottom picture but only one is a cochin the other does not have feathered legs and feet.
I sold my only 2 LF Cochins today. One less project to deal with! YAY! Actually, two. I sold my Lav Orps, too.

I met John Burgess today at MsBear's swap and hopefully I can get some black hens/pullets off of him. Right now it's my only solid lead. If it doesn't pan out, I am selling off anything not Mille Fleur. So, that means I may sell my Choc Orps. I already sold one... I am just getting very discouraged, nevermind me. I lost 7 chicks thanks to a incubator temp spike. I did buy one black pullet last weekend that is split mottled, I believe. I am really hoping to work something out with John. He had an amazing red brown pair at the swap. If I had the room for another project... Oh my!
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I've found it difficult to find blacks least in the Northeast. I have four black roosters and three black hens, whick means I have three black roosters idling around waiting :) My hens are laying, but fertility is low since I don't AI.
I've found it difficult to find blacks least in the Northeast. I have four black roosters and three black hens, whick means I have three black roosters idling around waiting :) My hens are laying, but fertility is low since I don't AI.

I just sold 2 black roos and kept one because he was filling out nicely. I don't need a black roo, but I kept him anyways. He was one my other boys in the bachelor pen ganged up on and put hole in the back of his head. I thought for sure he was going to die. He didn't. I figured after nursing him back to health for over month, I'd keep him for now.

I am not having luck with eggs at all. I set 4, all quit early. I set 8 under my Silkies and none hatched. I set these 18, 9 quit early, 2 quit before day 18 and then the temp spike claimed 6 of them. So, I did get one chick, but it's having a tough go of it.

I have 2 broodies right now that I think I may let have eggs if I can find some. I know of one breeder I can get some if her birds are still laying. I am waiting to hear back from another breeder. Maybe the 4th time is a charm?
I've found it difficult to find blacks least in the Northeast. I have four black roosters and three black hens, whick means I have three black roosters idling around waiting :) My hens are laying, but fertility is low since I don't AI.
I have a little guy just like this one! He only had a little brown hen so I went and bought him 2 more ladies so he can have his own flock.
I love cochins with all their fluffiness
There are 2 pullets in the bottom picture but only one is a cochin the other does not have feathered legs and feet.
Ok, now I'm going to have to check again. I am pretty sure that one has feathered legs too. It may just not show up with the way the lighting is in the shot. I'll look again when I gather eggs today and try to get another picture sometime too.
Pretty sure I have a Cochin here. (And mottled at that)
I had a pair of them but this morning, one of them was just mysteriously nowhere to be found.

I'm going with a snake got in, or it got out and a coon or owl took it.
Here is the one I have still. I've moved him/her to a safer place for the night.

The fuzzier the chicken the better to me! lol But hubby can't do Frizzles. When he saw these he loved them and I was thrilled!

Here is a picture of his/her parents I took at the farm I got them from. The daddy is right there up front and the mommy is the one right in front of him.

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