Cochin Thread!!!

The last two days have been cool and windy, so mine are fine at the moment. Over the weekend it was in the mid to high 90's. I put the fan on the ones in the oven (large shed) and opened all the doors for them. I live on a hill and we get a pretty constant wind from the northwest. I moved my babies from the brooders as they don't need the lamp anymore. I just keep water int eh coop for them and open anything I can for air circulation. It really isn't bad up here in the shade with that breeze. I have to worry about my Ameraucanas who are in a metal shed. They are under trees, but after 3-4pm they start getting sun from the west. Lucky for them they only have to deal with a few hours of heat and not the whole day.

I can't wait to get the pens built on the shed addition. I think 2x3 pens should be find for a trio, right? I may give them 3x3. My dividers make nearly 7x8' 'stalls and there are 5 stalls. I am planning on building 6-8 pens on one wall (3-4 upper and lowers) and 4 on the perpendicular wall (2 uppers and lowers). Next stall will be Ameraucanas, 3rd will be Marans, 4th will be be for more Ameraucanas and the last will be my brooder area.
103 here today. Gail- thinking about you and all the folks out in Colorado. I have been soaking pens down with the hose and all the fans are running. Lots of ice water for the babies. They are all hanging in there.

Desirai- You can add ice to their water a few times a day to keep it cold, that helps them cool off. We also put out shallow pans and kitty litter boxes with the side cut down filled with cool water for them to stand in to cool off. A lot of them take advantage of the mini wading pools. You can freeze 2 liter soda bottles too and lay them in your run or coop for the birds to rest against something cool.

Keep up the good work everyone!
While most everyone already has their coops built, I thought I'd pass this on to anyone reading this and just getting started with Cochins - ESPECIALLY LARGE Cochins - who are particularly susceptible to heat.

Do not be tempted to site your coop and pen so that it receives plenty of sun in the winter - like on the south or west side of your house. Summer heat is the enemy of Cochins - not the winter cold. If you are putting your coop near your house, consider the north or east side. (You don't want your White Cochins turning brassy in the sun, anyway!) Try to situate it under some shade trees. If you don't have any shade trees, plant a couple!

If you can run electrical to your coop, an outlet inside the coop is well worth it. Don't put the coop so far away from your house that shoveling snow to get to it, or hauling water to it, becomes a problem.

Keep your coop well ventilated, but NOT drafty. A winter draft can also spell disaster.

While you may be tempted to not insulate your coop, especially if you live in a warmer climate, remember that insulation is also good to prevent heat ingress. (Think about those sun shades you use in your cars' windshields!)

The coop and run MUST be predator-proof.

No matter what we do, we will always have frozen water in the winter, and we will lose birds due to the heat in the summer, but there are steps we take up front to minimize future problems and heartaches.
Very good points, Gail.

My shed addition is north facing and under trees. ;) I will have to give them artificial light because they will literally get none in winter. I am also moving them in there because there is electricity! Unless I heat the hose (I may actually do it, too), I will have to haul water. At least not as far as I am now and it won't be to as many coops, too.
I've been telling my mom that next to the (house) on the (east side) would be the best place for our Cochin coop and better yet it's under a HUGE Birch tree!!!
But it's under the windows which is why she wont let me put it there.
She thinks that the coop will smell!!! But my Large coop with 12 LF Faverolles doesnt smell!
I really wish she would let me!!!!
I was wondering if anyone knew how I could contact Candiss Burdette of "Burdette Bantams"? I e-mailed her from her website but no response! And she hasn't been on BYC in over 3 weeks to respond to my PM I sent her! I was just looking to get a dozen or so Cochin eggs from her as a surprise for my sister! She loves lemon blues and brown reds! So I was hoping I'd be able to contact her about eggs before she got back from horse camp but I haven't been able to get a hold of her! Thanks
Hello all, been a while since my last post but thought id pop in and say hey, and share a few pics. Gonna be HOT here the next 4-5 days, heat 100+, thankfully its not a very humid air mass, it could be a lot worse. Put a fan in the coop for the birds, my coop usually stays pretty cool, but with heat like this I figured anything could help.

Hatched 40 chicks this Spring, of that I have 35 left. I have got to make room for these little boogers! Looks like I ended up with more pullets than cockerels, and had 8 frizzle hatch, lost 1 and sold one, have 3 pair left. Really impressed with one pair of them, as far as type and feathering goes. Everyone is still going through the stages of maturity, some at a little slower pace than the others, and some are feathering in amazingly. Also ended up with a "curlie/frazzle", was hoping I wouldnt, but I did and since I did I will just keep him, if I cant find someone who will take him. Will be sorting through everyone more thoroughly pretty soon to see who stays and who goes. I have 5 adult birds right now I would like to sale to make room, in time I suppose.

Also ended up with several of my chicks legs and feet turning a willow/swarthy color after they turned 3 weeks old, has me stumped, any thoughts are appreciated. Anyway, enough with the rambling (sorry, just trying to catch everyone up on whats been going down with me here in KY), hope you guys enjoy the pics. (Sorry before hand for so many.) Also, enjoyed seeing the pictures posted by everyone of the birds they have hatched, purchased, etc. all very pretty birds!


I also have a shot of the oldest frizzle pullet I have. She looks good so far, to me. Couldnt resist showng her off.

Hope you guys enjoyed, again, sorry for so many pics.

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Casey, beautiful pics and birds, as always!

I think I can pick out the curlie, but it might be beneficial for some folks to post some close-up pics of him, so they can see why you don't want curlies.

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