Cochin Thread!!!

Black Cochin Bantams I am so sorry
Lesson for today: Learn from my mistakes and don't repeat them.

Don't know how I can make such a big mistake. I washed the birds I was taking to the Iowa State Fair last week. When I was done I stacked the cages I had used to dry them against the coop. I had never stacked them that high before. A coon climbed the cages and went in a window that is normally too high and small to get in. When my wife opened up the coop Saturday morning she found all but 10 of my birds dead. She filled 3 feed sacks full of dead bantam Cochins. I had loaded the 13 birds entered at the show the night before so I hadn't lost those. I still have 25 fertile eggs in the incubator and some chicks in the brooder that might replace some that were lost. It was my fault and it is driving me nuts. All window are metal grid covered so that will never happen again.
Please accept my sincerest sympathies for your loss. Don't beat yourself up too badly, we have "all" been there.
for temperament on cochins, I think a lot depends on the linage. I have some that are the sweetest things in the world and there are a few that I have brought in that are not nice at all. I used to keep all my males together in a bachelor pen and I do know for a fact that there are very few breeds that you can do that with. I try very hard to keep nice tempered birds in my flock. I think as a general rule Cochins are one of the most laid back and friendly breeds of chickens there is :)

Craig, I know it has been a devastating year for you this year. Coons can be terrible. There is a reason that we try to eliminate as many as possible, but it's just not possible to keep them all away. I wiish you well in your creation of chicken alcatraz and hope that this never happens again. Like I said before if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask
Lesson for today: Learn from my mistakes and don't repeat them.

Don't know how I can make such a big mistake. I washed the birds I was taking to the Iowa State Fair last week. When I was done I stacked the cages I had used to dry them against the coop. I had never stacked them that high before. A coon climbed the cages and went in a window that is normally too high and small to get in. When my wife opened up the coop Saturday morning she found all but 10 of my birds dead. She filled 3 feed sacks full of dead bantam Cochins. I had loaded the 13 birds entered at the show the night before so I hadn't lost those. I still have 25 fertile eggs in the incubator and some chicks in the brooder that might replace some that were lost. It was my fault and it is driving me nuts. All window are metal grid covered so that will never happen again.
Oh My God Craig.................
This has without a doubt been the most terrible year you've had in birds, Mandy was the one that told me about it just a little bit ago. She told me some of what you lost and I can just imagine how you are feeling. I think at times, of how I would feel if it happened to me and it just makes me ill. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
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I thought this would have been a good place to get some feedback on the temperament, etc of Cochins since I don't personally know anyone who has any experience with them. Guess this is the wrong thread.

I am new to chickens, we have only had ours since may, but of the three breeds we have the Cochins are the most docile, and content when being held. I have 3 daughters age 5 and under and even though their favorite chicken is one of the other breeds, she will not easily be caught. The coins will come when the treats are being given out, will eat out of your hand, and come to your lap for a snuggle. The others don't
Lesson for today: Learn from my mistakes and don't repeat them.

Don't know how I can make such a big mistake. I washed the birds I was taking to the Iowa State Fair last week. When I was done I stacked the cages I had used to dry them against the coop. I had never stacked them that high before. A coon climbed the cages and went in a window that is normally too high and small to get in. When my wife opened up the coop Saturday morning she found all but 10 of my birds dead. She filled 3 feed sacks full of dead bantam Cochins. I had loaded the 13 birds entered at the show the night before so I hadn't lost those. I still have 25 fertile eggs in the incubator and some chicks in the brooder that might replace some that were lost. It was my fault and it is driving me nuts. All window are metal grid covered so that will never happen again.

So sorry to hear of your loss. I have been dreading something like this happening at our place. My girls would be devastated. Hopefully you will get a good hatch and be able to replace some that we're lost.
She is very very nice Casey! She has beautiful wings! I am just noticing wings more lately. She is beautiful all over.

I have a couple of pullets I would like to post pictures of I think they are pretty nice. Will see what I can do about posting. Been a terrible week trying to resolve this picture posting deal. They are still out in the yard on dirt and I need to get them seperated to stay clean.

This is the first year I have bred a large quantity of cochins and is amazing the variations in type. I went to a judge's house the other day and he helped me pick through them. I think I will be getting some pretty nice ones. I culled a dozen cockerels the other day. I feel the need to cull some more today. Last night I think the cockerels killed my best modern game hen by all trying to breed her at the same time Somehow she got in with them.
. I am just broke up by this. It is obviouse there are at least 6 more that I won't be needing at all. I was going to sell them this weekend but now I just want them gone. And I will still have plenty to sell. keeping about 6 till they grow out but already have my favs. My roosters werent anything spectacular but they have the genes so they apparently passed them on to some more than others.
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