Cochin Thread!!!

She looks quite poofy. Maybe she needs a little pampering. Get her a spa day TODAY
Girl needs her wig did
Glad Shes With You
She needs a bath

She is laying her egg now and going in for a bath as soon as she is done, O already bathed the other hen I took home with her.
It will be intresting to see her after she molts. She looks like she might have pretty good color. What color are her feet and shanks? The males can certainly ruin a female pretty quickly especially the large fowl.
Glad Shes With You
She needs a bath

Well she just had a hen spa day which included a dawn dish soap bath, a blow dry and fluff, vasoline on her comb and feet a complete bug check (thank god none) but got dusted with DE and released with a nive slice of watermellon. She did very well theough all of this she is a very calm bird.
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Any finished pics of the chickens whole body? After a few days, she'll look even better because she'll gain back her oils in the feathers!
I know she looks rough now but I just got her two days ago and I will clean her up she had 5 roos that I saw in with her.I think in 6 months or so she will be the beautiful hen she is on the outside. If you notice any possible problems please mention them She is my 4th "rescue" and the others are turnibg out great one even got a first place ribbon this year.


She is missing quite a few feathers around the neck but she does have new growth coming in

Here are her feet they look pretty good

Excuse the bottom shot but she is missing a ton of feathers here and it is bright red, I put vasoline on it any other ideas would be appreciated

one more shot of her red bottom.

Thanks for checking her out I will repost her in a week or two for a comparison I find it amazing.

Joanie, certainly not my intent to offend, rather to provide constructive criticism in a forum setting. Couple reasons. The main title of this overall forum thread is "Breeds, genetics & showing." I get it, not everyone on here is concerned that their birds meet the standard to the letter, and that's fine. This is a hobby, and each of us focuses on different aspects and enjoys it in our own way. However, I feel I have certain responsibility to the hobby, as both a breed club president and an ABA director to share what I've learned through trial and error and what I know specifically about Cochins, which certainly isn't everything. I have always been hesitant to post replys or make comments on other fanciers birds because it's sometime difficult to relay via forum posts the inflection behind the words. There is no such thing as a perfect chicken, at least not when critiqued against the standard. If there were I doubt this would be much fun. The challeng is to get as close as possible. I am my birds own worst critic, and while I do show, the showing part is not why I am in this hobby. I get more enjoyment out of the breeding aspect. Genetics calculators are great tools if you know the exact genetic make up of the birds you started with. So at best they provide predictive analysis in many cases. Before I get way off topic I'll steer back to where I was going. Too many times I've seen folks that are new to the hobby (especially kids) purchase something from a hatchery or over the internet as a particular breed or variety. They raise them and then enter them in their local fair show or their first open junior show only to find out that their bird looks nothing like the other birds in the class, and they are confused because the hatchery said that it was a "fill in the breed/variety" but it doesn't look these other birds. Partridge Cochin Bantams need more breeders. There are very few sources to get birds from. If you really like the variety, I hope you stick with them. If you need some birds to work into your breeding program, let me know and I can give you a couple names, but you may have to wait a bit for availability. I enjoy reading the posts, and especially like the ones that get into the breeding aspect. The threads on Columbians is pretty interesting and with the photos it makes them even more educational, for me, and hopefully for the others that are reading. At any rate, my critique was not meant to offend. I was going for constructive information.

I do realize that you were giving me constructive criticism. The reason I was upset was that I did not expect to be told that these birds are not up to snuff. My intentions in purchasing the pair was to bring something better of the Partridge Variety to my state. Imagine my disappointment that fter a year, with incubating eggs and raising the chicks, I really have nothing. I know they are hard to find and I'm a long way past being a kid and buying hatchery birds. If I was snippy, I do apologize profusely.

I will continue with my cochins and continue to try to breed better birds. I have lemon blue and brown red chicks that I like very much. My birds live in the lap of luxury compared to some folks in the area that have poultry. So in that respect, I guess I' doing something good.
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While I have only posted a couple of times in this thread, I do hope that I can respectfully give my thoughts. Joanie...I so understand, as do many others here, exactly how you're feeling. It's very, very, very hard to get a breed of chicken that you think is pretty good quality and then hear that they really aren't that great after all. It just crushes you, hurts your feelings, and makes you want to completely give up with them. Been there, done that. But please don't quit what you've already started unless you've completely lost all passion for that particular breed. Been there, done that, too. This thread is such an AMAZING place of learning and everyone is here to try and help each other. I, myself, would rather be treated as an adult and told the truth (no matter how hard it is to hear) rather than have folks sugar-coat their opinions. Yes, you've worked very hard for a whole year...but without this thread you may very well have gone 3-4 years. I do hope you continue with your birds because there is definitely a need for devoted folks like yourself to take on their cause.
She is a beauty no matter what!

Silkies & cochin mixes I have 3 of right now at 5 days old. They should be frissles/sizzles or what have ye.....I just know they are adorable. Have fun! That's the important thing.

Awe..Really? Oh well, I am a newbie and she was cheap, so I will just love her. I do plan on getting some pure cochins next year. The lady had silkies too , she might have told me mix and I just didn't listen well. She is very sweet and quite the talker.

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