Cochin Thread!!!

Just wondering if you guys think that my little Roo is a Cochin or a Cochin Mix. I'm going to have to re-home him since I can't have Roos where I live, but I figured it would be better for the new owners to know what he is. He is 9 weeks old. Got him with a bunch of mystery chicks from a preschool hatching. He does have black feathers coming in under his wings, on the tail, and on his legs.

Definitely a cockerel, the tail doesn't look much like a cochin at all. Hope you get an ID soon.
Thanks, I really don't think he is a Brahma either, I'm sure he is some type of Mix, but was hoping that I could pin point what type of mix with his feathered legs. Poor little dude, I'm really going to miss him, he's such a sweety, and he loves to be a lap chick.
He could well be a langshan. He is tall with a high tail. Sounds like one although I have never seen one the pictures show the same kind of stance and build.
My Cochin chicks are growing fast. I need to take some good pictures of them but this morning was taking other pictures and snapped this of them and my white silkie chick in their pen. Hope i dont have more than one boy in the bunch , If so it will have to go


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