Cochin Thread!!!

Quote: if it's white, how do you know it has a white spot? do you KNOW one of it's parents is barred?

usually barred chicks are black and white or blue and white... thus with darker chicks it's easy to identify the lighter spot.

if you're color-crossing, there's no guarantee of anything one way or the other.
if it's white, how do you know it has a white spot? do you KNOW one of it's parents is barred?

usually barred chicks are black and white or blue and white... thus with darker chicks it's easy to identify the lighter spot.

if you're color-crossing, there's no guarantee of anything one way or the other.
I posted the photo of it as a chick above so you can see the spot. It was a darker color then, not white. Here it is again since it was missed before. I know nothing of its parentage other than it was sold as a White Cochin which it is coloring up as it is now 5 weeks. All I know is what was said here about the white spot.
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I agree - I have a big bag so I still add it to the bottom of the coops before I put in the bedding, but I really don't know how affective it is. I know when I put some on top of an ant hill, they just moved it out of the way, and crawled over it like it was regular soil. I'd rather stick to ivermectin or Frontline for parasites. Really, my question was more about nutrition, rather than parasite control. I have the coupons for 12 bags of free Purina Layena + Omega, but don't know what else, if anything, I should add to that diet to really make them shine.

Just to let you know, it deffinately helps with mites. My chickens had a mite problem a while back. They were all over the nesting boxes. I put the DE under the bedding and on the girls and haven't seen a mite since. I use it regularly now. Every time I Change the bedding I put it in the boxes. I also put it in a dusting box along with some sand. I wouldn't go without it.
Even blurry she's a beauty!
Thank you
I posted the photo of it as a chick above so you can see the spot. It was a darker color then, not white. Here it is again since it was missed before. I know nothing of its parentage other than it was sold as a White Cochin which it is coloring up as it is now 5 weeks. All I know is what was said here about the white spot.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but a pure bred white cochin would be a solid yellow chick. I don't think the white spot on its head means anything necessarily. Blue, black and mottled chicks have all slightly different fluff patterns so some have more yellow faces, some of a bit more grey on their heads etc.
Quote: a white chick would be yellow at hatch. this chick is a blue. possibly a splash, but usually they are lighter grey at hatch.
the white spot I was referring to is usually like this (pic found on google search).

typically the roo's is bigger than a pullet's... so i'd guess there's a pair here.

this bird, isn't a white... i'd hazard a guess it isn't even pure cochin, since the middle toes have little to no feathering. it is a splash, if the head is actually grey as it appears in the pic. the red markings could come from anywhere, if both parent's weren't the same color.

if one parent was white, then it could be anything as white is capable of hiding many mutations... often the first crossed generation will have red feathers here and there unpredictably... but either way, it might make a nice pet, or backyard layer (or roo) but I wouldn't use it for breeding anything else.
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