Cochin Thread!!!

Thanks! He is too much fun :) The only reason I wanted to mix them is because I'm having a hard time finding Cochins anywhere near me here in michigan :/ But I'm also trying to explain to my fiancé why it matters what breeds to put together... He thinks it's stupid and that it'll be fine. I don't want my poor babies hurt!!!!
@kayla0314 Those are some adorable pictures! Your little guy definitely seems in love with Bonnie & Clyde. I have been told Cochins mix well with gentle bearded and/or crested breeds. You might want to look into Bantams of the following: Polish, d'Uccle, Easter Egger, Ameraucana. Also, I've been told that Dominiques do well with bearded/crested chickens, they & Sultans both don't get very big even though they're Standard sized, and both are generally good tempered towards these gentle birds. I hope I'm steering you in the right direction, as I'm new to chickens, but do way too much reading about them, LOL. Good luck!

Thanks wendy! That finitely gives me some good ideas. I'll look more into those and hopefully we can find some in a decent distance from us!
I am a proud new owner of 2 white bantam Cochins, Bonnie and Clyde! They are my very first chickens ever and we have had them for one week! We are in love :) What are good breeds to mix with Cochins when we get more chickens??




Love the cutie!
My Wyandotte and Cochin live very peacefully together.
TO: Kayla... and to all the other new cochin owners... *WARNING*WARNING*WARNING* This could happen to you as a newbie, very addictive and worse then potato chips! NO you cant have just 1! I warn all, you tell yourselves just a few, then a few turns into 2 dozen that tuens into 50 and then so on! You also tell yourself thers only room for x amount. You"ll eventually make more room! I know this by personal experiance! ]
Do I spy a bantam faverolles? CUTE!
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TO: Kayla... and to all the other new cochin owners... *WARNING*WARNING*WARNING* This could happen to you as a newbie, very addictive and worse then potato chips! NO you cant have just 1! I warn all, you tell yourselves just a few, then a few turns into 2 dozen that tuens into 50 and then so on! You also tell yourself thers only room for x amount. You"ll eventually make more room! I know this by personal experiance! LOL :lau
Oh my gorgeous variety! Lol i kno it to be true tho !!! I'm getting 4 more this month & swore I was done 3 chickens ago..smh
TO: Kayla... and to all the other new cochin *WARNING*WARNING*WARNING* This could happen to you as a newbie, very addictive and worse then potato chips! NO you cant have just 1! I warn all, you tell yourselves just a few, then a few turns into 2 dozen that tuens into 50 and then so on! You also tell yourself thers only room for x amount. You"ll eventually make more room! I know this by personal experiance! LOL :lau
I started with 6 and currently up to 14, I have a variety of LF and bantams and have my first Cochins (4) which are LFs and like to sit on my shoulders, they are 12 weeks old
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TO: Kayla... and to all the other new cochin owners...


This could happen to you as a newbie, very addictive and worse then potato chips! NO you cant have just 1! I warn all, you tell yourselves just a few, then a few turns into 2 dozen that tuens into 50 and then so on! You also tell yourself thers only room for x amount. You"ll eventually make more room! I know this by personal experiance! LOL

Oh...your pictures are my dream...someday!!!! You had an earlier post about broody hens and letting them sit on an empty nest. How long do they usually sit before they decided to go back to regular "chicken life"? And do you have to worry about their health(my broody didn't eat a lot when she was hatching) I have a girl that is trying to go broody...again...and I just can't let her hatch right now but feel mean putting her in a cage to break her

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