Cochin Thread!!!

You all have already seen my challenge. The SL bantam Cochins. I seldom see any of those and I plan to work on type and color with this little flock I have now. Just when I think I will cut back.................
I just got a flock of LF splash (and one blue hen) cochins from Hodges Farms a few months ago. Went to buy a pair and came home with her whole flock! Am hoping to find a great Black roo to go with them. I have 2 birchen bantam roos and no hens. Bought hatching eggs and one of these roos was all that hatched. Still looking for some hens or hatching eggs to go with this great roo. Am thinking of showing him at Sunshine Classic. Will try to post a pic tonight to see what everyone thinks. Why are birchen so rare to find? They are one of the prettiest colors to me.
Yes, I'm a member of CI.

Problem is that everyone wants their birds and the supply doesn't match the demand

I know folks here in Maine who are still waiting....

Sent you a PM.
So I posted a little while ago about my cochin babies. I thought some were going to be plain old red.....some of them are, but some of them are starting to get black feathers in with the red ones! These pics are from today, they are 2 weeks old. What color are these going to be do you think? I was really excited to see the different color pop out!

(Not the best pics, he wouldn't hold still!)



He's in the bottom right corner, the one above him is still only red.
I am a newbie to the Cochin world so while not adding a second variety, I did get a trio of LF gold lace from Tom Roebuck when he came to Columbus for the Ohio National and will be working with those. I've had some "farm store" chickens in the past (mostly silver lace Wyandotte and buff Orpington) and have had a "mutt" rooster for a few years to help with fly control. I breed and show Oberhasli dairy goats (and am a licensed dairy goat judge) and decided I wanted a few chickens to match the goats and gold lace comes pretty close to their red bay with black trim. Stumbled across a couple of Wyandottes at a primitive craft fair. Made arrangements to get them and on the way over got a call that something "got" one of them but they did have other breeds available. Came home with the Wyandotte and a blue Cochin, both from a hatchery. Love the color of the Wyandotte, prefer the type and temperament of the Cochin so a quest, frustrating at times, to find GL Cochins began.

Tom has been SO giving of his time in this pursuit so a huge thanks to him.

While new to chickens, I have bred and shown dogs (English Springer and Clumber Spaniels) plus for the last 20 years the goats so will be proceeding slowly. I have seen all too often new people jump in WAY over their heads and bite off more than they can chew. It can be fun to have a little bit of everything but the more diversified one is, the more breeding stock that needs retained to advance. It doesn't take long for burnout to hit. For now, I'm sticking with just the one variety. Down the road I may expand but for now LF GL Cochin will be my focus.

(North-Central Ohio)
Well, looks like I get to start from scratch, something got into the coop yesterday and killed every single chicken we had. Have had chickens here for over 6 years and never had a problem ... hubby and his hunting buddy have set out traps to catch whatever did this. I am still in shock! The only GOOD thing is, the Cochin and Brahma chick we hatched out a couple of weeks ago were in the brooder, those 2 chicks were spared.

Would anyone have some fertile Cochin eggs they wouldn't mind parting with? No color preference, just would like LF size since they would be our egg layers. Just PM me if you can help out, please?

I cannot help you out with cochins as I am just starting up in that breed. However, if you are interested in bearded silkies or orpingtons, just let me know and I will be happy to help.

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