Cochin Thread!!!

great! Do you think we need to worry about the heat? I read somewhere that the eggs usually start to develop when they get about 80 parents lives in Bakersfield area (UGH! I know HAHA- I grew up in Taft)- said it has been around 85 everyday. We are still in the 70s here. Thanks!
well ive been storing them inside where its never warmer than 70, but its been around 80-85 here. so i am not 100% on how the heat during shipping will effect them, i have only shipped eggs out, ive never actually received eggs.
It seems like it would have to be in mid 90s for them to develop. It is only my second time getting shipped eggs. I got 36 from 3 different listers that hatched last week. 21 made it to lockdown and had 14 hatch, so I know shipping can be hard on them- just don't know about the heat. I am hoping it will be ok. If I win the eggs I will keep you posted on how it goes.
This is my Luna...she will 2 yo in July...


That big fluffy butt with the Flamingo saddle is my Red cochin, Ruby...she will be 2 yo in July also



Ruby hates to have her saddle removed. When you take it off to wash it or whatever, she screams and follows you until she gets her saddle back. She is a talkative girl anyway but she does not shut up when you take her saddle off.

This is our new girl...she is about 9 - 10 weeks old now...her name is Hera and she is our only bantam in addition to our new silkie and mille fleur babies. She is in quarantine inside the house right now and she is a mess...spoiled rotten.



She played tug of war with DD and a string




Then she tried to dustbathe in DD's lap


Then she settled down for a nap and made DD sit there. Everytime DD tried to get up Hera would scream at her until she sat back down.


I love my cochins and their day I will have my flock down to only my BBS Orps, cochins and my little Silkies. And DDs Mille Fleurs D'uccles
How do you deal with having multiple roos? Do you set them up with the hens you want them with and leave it that way? Do you keep all the roos together until you want to set up a breeding pen? Or do they tend to stay with their own color, so all are thrown together in a big pen with little incident? I've only had one pair of bantam cochins. The hen was a doll, The roo was a turd. He didn't get along with anybody. Just wondering how you all handled this, especially if you have several roos and different colors.

My newest Bantam Golden Laced Cochins - I was able to hatch 8 before Marigold went broody. Can anyone help me with the sexing - I believe you can feather-sex the Golden Laced, but (Duh!)
which is which??? I thought I knew, but now I'm not so sure. These all range in age from 3 days to 3 weeks.



This is the way I do things but of course everyone does things differently.

I have my dedicated pens with usually 1 roo to every 2 hens. Then any extra roos I have are free ranged. If I need an extra roo, I usually have a choice of them.

For instance, I have 2 pens of bantam Black Mottled Cochins. I have 4 extra bantam Black Mottled Cochin roos. They free range on my property all day long, living the bachelor life with my extra Jersey Giant roos, my Polish roos, Black Rosecomb roos, Columbian Wyandotte roo, all my guineas, etc etc.

Once in a while, I'll switch out one of my dedicated roos with one of the free rangers for a few weeks.

All my extra roos free range during the day roaming my property, into the woods and back again and at night all go back to their coop. We have very few incidents with our roos. I think we have possibly one to two spats a month and its nothing bloody. Just two roosters throwing themselves at each other for a moment or two and usually a 3rd roo comes and breaks it up.


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