Cochin Thread!!!

Congratulations Coopa Cabana!

Which variety did you win with?

She was showing Golden Laced and a Mille hen. Her Mille hen was chosen Best of Breed. Obviously the judge made a mistake picking a non standard variety but that also means her bird had the best type of any bird being shown. A beautiful Mille.hen!!
Here are some pictures of my new pair. Please excuse the mess; they are being quarantined in the attic of the old farm house. Here's the pullet. Here you can see the cockerel's split breast. Here's a top view of them.
Oh they are pretty! :) I have a 5 month old puller with a split breast like your roo. Never noticed it until the other day....maybe we'll get lucky and they'll grow out of it like someone said. If not I'll cull mine because I'm seriously working from the bottom up as it is.
Comparing to the others that I think are hens yeah. But I'm new to this so I'm not completely certain of anything.

Our BR Pullet : \ as I understand it, in BR Females are Noticeable darker then males, we started our Chicken Math @ start of summer.
1 of 6 Pullets . . . story below.

The Red NN mix ( L ) of her and the Cochin middle behind her. Two
of 6 that were guaranteed to be Pullets, are infract all Cockerels.

the other 3 went to Farmers auction.

Quote: yes, that was a barred cochin cockerel... as for color, you can't always compare similar colorations from one breed to another. there may be different mutations at work to enhance or restrict other mutations...

heck, you can't compare today's barred rock with one of 50-70 years ago or more. today's rocks have much narrower bands of black/white with a much cleaner separation of the colors than some breeders had (comparing with old photos from the 40's or before)...

it's like comparing an apple to a pomegranate simply because they're almost the same color on the outside.

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