Cock-a-Doodle Haven, a chicken RP. :D

Name: Christina
Age: three years
Pronouns: she
Size: small, only about 3 lbs.
Breed: Easter egger/ frizzle mix.
Appearance: light cream with some tan highlights . Frizzled feathers and cute little beard.
Flock: Diapered Divas
Personality and optional backstory: is not the nicest hen. She desperately wants to hatch a clutch of eggs. Backstory is that she once pecked Parsnip until he ran away. She also loves one of Parsnip’s older brothers.
Rank: top of the pecking order.
Name: Christina
Age: three years
Pronouns: she
Size: small, only about 3 lbs.
Breed: Easter egger/ frizzle mix.
Appearance: light cream with some tan highlights . Frizzled feathers and cute little beard.
Flock: Diapered Divas
Personality and optional backstory: is not the nicest hen. She desperately wants to hatch a clutch of eggs. Backstory is that she once pecked Parsnip until he ran away. She also loves one of Parsnip’s older brothers.
Rank: top of the pecking order.
😂 nice backstory
This one’s out of order because it is copypasted
Flock: Meemaw’s
Rank: 4
Gender: female
Personality: Earnest and cheerful, it’s easy to forget Willow’s ambiguous past. She really doesn’t wonder about it, or wonder about her parents. Willow is a bit ditzy and forgetful, living ever in the present. Willow is truly loveable and enduring, always the one to offer a compliment or a kind word. But she is a baby, so she doesn’t know very much.
Age: 2.5 weeks
Breed: Wild turkey, though she’s actually pretty sus for domestic blood considering her size and lovely soft features.

Beautiful already, and with age she’ll only get beautifuller. A bronze turkey poult with an amazing smile. A bit bigger than would be expected for a wild turkey.
History: Willow’s beginnings were very mysterious. Willow hatched as a single egg to a turkey in the forest, more than half a year after wild turkeys normally hatch eggs. Her only memories of her mother were brief. A bronze hen’s warmth, her face, and then, her disappearance. Cold and hungry, Willow clambered off to search for her mother. It was a strike of fortune when she ran into Gale and Parsnip. She kept them going with her cheerful spirit. She joined them in Meemaw’s flock. She was readily accepted by the hens and gets passed from one to the next. Without a “real mom” Willow does feel a bit out of place at times, sitting under a babysitter But she’s determined to keep a smile on her face. She wants to earn a part in the flock.
Personality: Earnest and cheerful, it’s easy to forget Willow’s ambiguous past. She really doesn’t wonder about it, or wonder about her parents. Willow is a bit ditzy and forgetful, living ever in the present. Willow is truly loveable and enduring, always the one to offer a compliment or a kind word. But she is a baby, so she doesn’t know very much.
Name: Lyle
Age: 7 months
Pronouns: ( he/she please :) ) he
Size: tall. A LF
Breed: ( any standard breed. Please note if it is a bantam. It can also be a mixed breed) mixed, probably has a lot of game in him, and New Hampshire.
Appearance: a total weed, but with all the grace of someone who owns it. A thin, lanky thing with very long legs. He has a strong, broad head and good natured pale orange eyes. A ragged, upright tail. A frostbitten comb that has a permanent tilt. A weird mixture of orange, brown, and black. Yellow legs. Beautifully ugly.

Flock: Cassy’s
Personality and optional backstory: The perfect sidekick and supportive friend. Not a bad bone in his body (even though he appears to have more than his fair share of bones.) He really could be very dangerous if it came to blows, though. He is pretty goofy and folksy but has a surprisingly wise and graceful side. His personality will probably find him love even though his looks won’t.
Flock rank: 3. Even though he is gentle he holds his own and is steadily increasing his rank.
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Can i join?
I've never done i RP but i've wanted to so we'll see how this goes:confused:

Name: Luna
Age: 2 years
Pronouns: she
Size: smaller than average
Breed: Black sumatra
Appearance: Small, all black with a green sheen in the sun. Kind of looks like a raven
Flock: Summer
Personality and optional backstory: Does her own thing. Pretty smart. Not very docile. Survived a fox at one point
Flock rank: 2nd rung
Can i join?
I've never done i RP but i've wanted to so we'll see how this goes:confused:

Name: Luna
Age: 2 years
Pronouns: she
Size: smaller than average
Breed: Black sumatra
Appearance: Small, all black with a green sheen in the sun. Kind of looks like a raven
Flock: Summer
Personality and optional backstory: Does her own thing. Pretty smart. Not very docile. Survived a fox at one point
Flock rank: 2nd rung
The more the merrier ! Luna is a great name for her!

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