Cockerals fought - need to know how to heal them now


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
Two of my cockerals have been in two fights in the last couple of weeks. After bathing them (bloody mess) I was wondering what I could do for their combs where they tore them up and their "scalp" that is now missing the majority of feathers. Is neosporin safe to use?

They were seperated for a while then we put them back together and they seemed fine until today. Fortunately one of them is going to a new home tomorrow (new owner is aware they look like they've been in a bar brawl)

Any suggestions? I know it will take a couple of months for the feathers to grow back.
use neosporin my friend used it on his frostbitten chicken
my old rooster broke someones arm because he flogged them and they
fell he is in rooster heaven now:D
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