Cockerel aggression - what are my chances?

A really late and short post for continuity-sake -- the cockerel, code-name: Vulture, was returned to where he came from. I haven't asked what became of him, apparently people weren't even taking them for free at the time. But! The farmer was surprised at how his looks etc. turned out, probably a full Orpington after all.

I'm so glad your flock and the rest of your household are now at peace. Growing up with mature males can help - and having mature hens to give them a good thumping help develop manners.

My first rooster was added to the mature hens coop when he just wouldn't leave his same age pullets (who were not ready for his advances) alone. Within minutes the big girls put him in corner and there he stayed ... and hid in the nest boxes for a few days. He turned out just fine. Same thing with his successor- the ladies put him in his place and he stuffed himself into a nest box.


There's what I call "the kid stuff" as they figure out their roles - the hens will run from them - their early mating attempts will be sloppy, prompting loud protests from the hens. That's par for the course and passes pretty quickly.

BUT... some roosters - just aren't nice. I recently did away with one of my youngest cockerels. After a few days of what seemed like an uptick in skirmishes, finally I caught him in the act, forcing hens to fight with him, jumps, kicking, the whole terrible deal. Worse still, when they'd turn to run away- he ran after and ripped out a chunk of feathers from their backs. He did this to 5 hens in 10-15 minutes. He was "gone" 5 minutes later when I caught up wit him. Whatever switch in his brain that prompted him to do that - is not something I will tolerate, and not something to pass along!

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