About 5 months, they were hatched in may; they are all the same age the rest are pullets; yes, except the Easter Eggers, they don't like me; I was trying to get Leopard the Easter Egger in the pen because she escaped.
At 5 months old, it sounds like he is coming into a strong hormone stage and doing what roosters do naturally at that age. If he thinks it's his job to protect the pullets, then he may have seen you as a threat as you tried to get the one back in the pen. There are some great articles on roosters and understanding them and their behavior that may help. I don't think it's necessary to be mean or aggressive to a rooster (though I know my experience is limited and I still feel new to all of this with my 2 roosters!). And my situation is different being I don't free range and now have separated my roosters into their own flock. I found that consistently coming towards and not backing down when they act aggressive eventually leads to them to backing down and realizing you are to be respected. It's hard to see what was once a cute little fuzz ball turn into what feels like an enemy! Stick with it and protect yourself. I hope he gets through this stage quickly for you but be prepared that it can take awhile!
Lol, don't even worry about morning shenanigans.
They're dumb as rocks first thing, he's not thinking about messing with you.
Actually all he's thinking about is booty, it has been HOURS!:D
So "good" cockerels never show any human aggression? Mine gets a little ruffled in the mornings when I let him out of the coop. He pecked my boot once a week or so ago. A minute or so out of the coop, he calms down. So does this mean he will be a "bad" rooster? He is about 3.5 months. He's a bantam. I don't know that that makes a difference.

OP - I hope it works out. I am still trying the "wait and see" method with my tiny little guy. I don't show him any fear, which I've read is a good approach. I held him down that one time he pecked my boot because I just needed him to calm down. But he has puffed up a couple (maybe three?) times since then. I guess we'll see... I do wish you luck. Getting advice on BYC can be hard - a million different opinions, judgment, sarcasm, dismissive to opposing viewpoints, and so on. It has been for me at times. Do keep us posted.
I'm just thankful that Mom and Dad didn't lop my head off when my teen age hormones acted up. Seriously though, I have been very fortunate to have had only three aggressive roosters in my 50+ years of raising various breeds. Those include a White Leghorn, Rhode Island Rhode and Black Australorp. And I have never had an aggressive Bantam rooster. Maybe I have just been lucky.
I have an auto door, but one morning I had to leave for work before it was light out. I opened the door but it was still dark enough that none of the chickens ventured out. After a minute or two, a pullet came out to look for food. The cockerel then came charging out the door like a crazy person and chased her back up, before he decided to prowl around the run looking for predators to attack. It seems like they get a spurt of hormones first thing in the morning.
That's just "morning wood"!
As others have said, sorry to say, you have a bad bird. If you aren't going to kill him or rehome him to a farm (where they don't care) then you now have to be the bigger, meaner rooster. Every time you see him, stomp your feet and chase him. Chase him like you mean to kill him. Flap your arms and yell. Every time you can and positively if he approaches you and prepares for an attack. He is no longer a pet, he's an adult, aggressive rooster and you are going to have to live with it ... or not. Not all roosters are assholes but many are. Get rid of him and find a nice rooster. You don't want to breed him or give him to someone who will use him to produce chicks. This just makes more mean roosters. Do not give him to someone else and not tell them that he is mean. That is passing on a liability, especially if they have children. Wherever he goes, he should be caged in a run and not allowed to free range.
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